Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#502 Actions logging in history and reports bug minor 7.1.3 Generic
#503 Empty column "Type" bug trivial 7.1.3 Generic
#508 Using CMIS, extended properties of type "Decimal" are not transfered to the client bug minor 7.1.3 CMIS
#512 Option to ignore case of username on login doesn't work with External Auth bug minor 7.2.1 LDAP / Active Directory
#517 Count column reports zero for tags on search tab bug minor 7.2 Core
#518 Searching tags by clicking on the alphabetical characters is incorrect bug minor 7.2 Core
#522 Bulk update can modify locked documents metadata bug minor 7.2 Core
#528 OCR button doesn't work after update bug minor User Interface
#534 LogicalDOC Office Launcher has stopped working Blucecio bug minor Office Addin
#537 Compare metadata does not display changes to tags bug minor 7.2 Core
#538 Filing of emails whilst composing multiple emails blucecio bug minor Outlook Addin
#539 Preview of older document versions displays latest version only bug minor 7.2 Core
#540 Default tag added when editing properties blucecio bug minor Office Addin
#541 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor 7.2 User Interface
#542 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor 7.2 User Interface
#549 Encoding issue during import from ZIP files bug minor 7.2.1 Core
#551 Duplicate tasks in 'tasks i can own' bug minor 7.2.1 Workflow
#557 Entry Prior to 1/1/1970 Limitation with Date Type for an Attribute in a Template bug minor 7.2.1 Core
#559 Start/Stop Publishing Dates Displayed in Different Format then Language bug minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#560 Metadata Preset Export/Import Issue bug minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#562 iPad/iPhone app crashes when opening for the first time with no internet connection Blucecio bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#565 Parametric Search - Aliases not returned bug minor 7.4.1 Core
#567 Bulk Checkout 'unlocks' documents bug minor 7.4.1 Core
#571 Notifications not issued at workflow end bug minor 7.3 Workflow
#574 Calendar Event History Tracking Issue - Alias Copy bug minor 7.3 Calendar
#575 Add Documents - "Immediate Indexing" failing bug minor 7.3 Core
#577 search criteria and search attributes of a saved search get lost after logout bug minor 7.3 Core
#579 Unexisting paths not handled in getObjectByPath method bug minor 7.3 CMIS
#587 Display glitch while scrolling parametric search results seoul04 bug minor 7.4.1 User Interface
#588 Unable to connect to the server blucecio bug minor Outlook Addin
#589 New Stamps & Forms Buttons missing bug minor Core
#592 Correctly handle non-latin chars when sending emails bug trivial 7.4 Core
#606 Deleting individual files via webdav dont go to trash bug minor 7.4 WebDAV
#609 LogicalDOC service script doesn't work bug minor Core
#616 No program options appear for opening documents in iPad/iPhone App. Blucecio bug major iPad and iPhone App
#621 Hot-Folder 1.4.3 can not connect to logicaldoc 7.4-7.4.1 bug major Core
#623 Workflow list filters and sorting resets on exiting a task bug minor 7.5.4 User Interface
#626 Workflow does not start from the beginning bug major 7.4.3 Workflow
#631 Stamps only work on PDF documents bug minor 7.4.3 Stamp
#654 Stamp Reversing bug major 7.4.3 Stamp
#661 Unable to configure Anonymous within a tenant bug minor 7.4.3 Core
#686 Fatal Error with Database Cleaner Task car031 bug minor 7.5 Core
#691 Add Documents Issue - '&' and '%' symbols fail bug trivial 7.5 User Interface
#695 Direct link to the document does not work anymore Blucecio bug minor 7.5.1 User Interface
#696 Unable to log in if the password contains the euro currency symbol bug trivial User Interface
#709 Office Addin edit properties validation error bug major Office Addin
#710 Office Addin edit properties mandatory fields validated bug minor Office Addin
#714 Add symbol does not work on iPad in portrait mode bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#717 Move/Copy alias must not alter the original document bug trivial 7.5.3 User Interface
#723 500 Error bug trivial Core
#743 Cannot configure multiple instances in iphone app bug minor iPad and iPhone App
#744 Cannot view older document versions on iphone bug major iPad and iPhone App
#756 Quota Alert bug trivial Core
#763 The quota mechanism does not work well bug major 7.6.3 Core
#784 Deleting a version of a document doesn't appear in trash bug minor User Interface
#808 urgent loading error Radwa bug blocker Core
#817 Unable to assign users to new stamps bug major 7.7.2 Stamp
#818 Search on External Properties is not working Blucecio bug major 7.7.2 User Interface
#820 LD 7.7.1 - Login Permalink: User with Umlaut as pwd not works bug major 7.7.2 Core
#821 Preview problems with 7.1.1 PDF.js (CentOS Server, Windows Clients) bug major 7.7.2 Format Conversion
#825 document.published is always =1 when using the SOAP API. LogicalDoc version v7.7 bug trivial 7.7.2 Web Services
#838 Display button in Indexing queue does not seem to be working bug minor 7.7.3 User Interface
#841 Dropbox authorization problem bug minor 7.7.3 Dropbox
#846 Details on a document give 404 bug minor 7.7.4 User Interface
#848 GUI performance degradation bug major 7.7.4 User Interface
#851 Control to change display page on large folder has problem bug major 7.7.5 User Interface
#852 LogicalDOC Android App: Bug on Ext. Properties - INTEGER bug trivial Android App
#858 CMIS query - how to search for document content bug minor 7.7.5 CMIS
#862 Save Problem on Task Scheduling and Email Account import Blucecio bug minor User Interface
#894 problema metadati office addin adminusername bug minor Office Addin
#898 Deletion of user group data bug critical Authentication
#899 Strange characters in form bug minor 8.1.1 Forms
#910 Unable to upload document until you click a file in the system bug major Core
#911 Access denied bug major Authentication
#915 Outlook Addin new message bug major Android App
#919 Compare between two versions exits in error bug minor 8.2 User Interface
#921 Parametric search does handle properly the Template selector bug minor 8.2 User Interface
#951 Issue with downloading and previewing documents bug critical Documentation
#954 The auto naming function does not work during checkin bug major 8.3.1 Core
#974 After changing the color of a folder Save button does not appear bug minor 8.3.4 User Interface
#975 Incorrect invalid email bug minor 8.3.4 Installer
#980 the 'move folder' function changes the name of the moved folder bug major 8.3.4 User Interface
#984 Download tickets generated by the automation are not valid bug minor 8.3.4 Automation
#988 Logicaldoc does not repond to web service bug minor User Interface
#990 Wordpress bug blocker Wordpress
#996 The calculation of documents tagged by word does not work admin bug minor 8.4 User Interface
#998 Wrong checkouts when selecting multiple files bug minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#1003 Deleting annotations doesn't work bug minor 8.4.1 User Interface
#1013 Control labels of the preview are garbled, tangled bug minor 8.4.2 User Interface
#1016 Connection to databse lost bug major Core
#1018 XSS Vulnerability bug major 8.4.2 Security
#1019 Versions tab empty when filename contains the ampersign bug minor 8.4.2 User Interface
#1020 Checkout and Lock does not work properly on alias (link) documents bug minor 8.4.2 Core
#1030 LogicalDOC Android app issues bug major Android App
#1039 Issues when number of folders in a subfolder is more than 1000 bug minor 8.5.1 Core
#1043 The Upload function does not work on Android App bug major Android App
#1045 Unable to delete some files bug minor 8.5.2 Core
#1069 Add android module to the Community edition bug minor Android App
#1077 Error in CustomID generation on version promotion bug major 8.6.1 Core
#1079 Search for Boolean parameters not working bug minor 8.6.1 User Interface
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.