Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#589 closed bug (fixed)

New Stamps & Forms Buttons missing

Reported by: crogers Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Core Version: 7.2.1
Keywords: 7.3 Cc:


We have updated our testing environment to LogicalDOC 7.3. The Stamps and Forms buttons for these newly added features appear to be missing from our installation.

Version 7.3

Please advise.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by car031

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Execute these statements against your database:

insert into ld_menu (ld_id,ld_lastmodified,ld_deleted,ld_text,ld_parentid,ld_icon,ld_type,ld_tenantid,ld_recordversion,ld_position)
values (1550,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,0,'forms',25,'forms.png',1,1,1,1);

CREATE TABLE ld_stamp (

ld_id bigint not null, ld_lastmodified datetime not null, ld_recordversion bigint not null,
ld_deleted int NOT NULL, ld_tenantid bigint NOT NULL, ld_name varchar(255) not null,
ld_description varchar(4000), ld_type int not null, ld_rotation int not null, ld_page int not null,
ld_opacity int not null, ld_size int not null, ld_enabled int not null, ld_exprx varchar(4000),
ld_expry varchar(4000), ld_color varchar(255), ld_text varchar(4000), PRIMARY KEY(ld_id));

create table ld_userstamp (ld_stampid bigint not null, ld_userid bigint not null, primary key (ld_stampid, ld_userid));

create unique index AK_STAMP on ld_stamp (ld_name, ld_tenantid);

insert into hibernate_unique_key(tablename, next_hi) values ('ld_stamp', 100);

insert into ld_menu (ld_id,ld_lastmodified,ld_deleted,ld_text,ld_parentid,ld_icon,ld_type,ld_tenantid,ld_recordversion,ld_position)
values (1540,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,0,'stamps',25,'stamps.png',1,1,1,1);

insert into ld_stamp (ld_id, ld_lastmodified, ld_deleted, ld_tenantid, ld_recordversion, ld_type, ld_name, ld_rotation, ld_opacity, ld_enabled, ld_exprx, ld_expry, ld_text, ld_color, ld_page, ld_size)
values (1,'2008-11-20 00:00:00',0,1,1,0,'approved',1,100,1,'$PAGE_CENTER','$PAGE_MIDDLE','APPROVED - $DATE','green',1,24);
insert into ld_stamp (ld_id, ld_lastmodified, ld_deleted, ld_tenantid, ld_recordversion, ld_type, ld_name, ld_rotation, ld_opacity, ld_enabled, ld_exprx, ld_expry, ld_text, ld_color, ld_page, ld_size)
values (2,'2008-11-20 00:00:00',0,1,1,0,'rejected',1,100,1,'$PAGE_CENTER','$PAGE_MIDDLE','REJECTED - $DATE','red',1,24);

insert into ld_userstamp (ld_stampid, ld_userid) values (1,1);
insert into ld_userstamp (ld_stampid, ld_userid) values (2,1);

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