Custom Query (1079 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 1079)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#352 Anti-virus scanning at time of upload new feature minor 7.1
#1208 Append documents to the Workdlow without passing through Clipboard improvement minor 8.8.6
#530 Append the version number to the file name on the documents exported version download filename wish minor
#369 Applets signed with a valid certificate task major 6.8.1
#1255 Apply different digital signatures in the same signing session improvement minor 8.9.2
#1254 Apply different stamps in the same stamping session improvement minor 8.9.2
#289 Apply workflow triggers to the subtree improvement minor 6.6.2
#543 Archiving capabilities new feature major 7.2
#453 Ask for setup password during installation improvement minor 7.1.2
#1232 Aspect to enable write checks new feature minor 8.9
#254 Asynchronous folder's deletion improvement trivial 6.5.2
#1187 Attachments in .eml (email file) can sometimes not be extracted bug minor
#193 Attributes values not set in WSTemplate bug trivial
#223 Audit Webservice new feature minor 6.5
#618 Auto folding on the basis of the document's metadata new feature major 7.4.2
#617 Auto naming on the basis of the document's metadata new feature minor 7.4.2
#833 Auto-save for Office Addin new feature minor
#1103 Automatic alert message to all connected users when shutting down from the GUI improvement trivial 8.7.1
#692 Automatic workflow step wish minor
#1002 Automation Executor scheduled task to schedule the execution of an Automation procedure new feature minor 8.4.1
#972 Automation editor with code completion and graphical highlights improvement major 8.3.3
#950 Automation in welcome message improvement minor 8.3
#1005 Automation routines can be associated to a template in order to define input values improvement major 8.4.1
#892 Automation routines to introduce custom logic in reaction to system events new feature major 8.1
#1015 Automation script to validate users before importing them from LDAP or AD improvement minor 8.4.2
#1031 Automation script triggered by workflow task completion improvement minor 8.5.1
#281 Avoid inconsistencies between day-of-week and day-of-month improvement minor 6.6.2
#1034 Backup proceudere issues test trivial
#142 Backups take far too long bug major
#192 Bad filename encoding during download with Safari safari bug trivial
#393 Banner not displaying in IE8 bug minor
#147 Barcode processed only on documents without template car031 bug major 6.3.3
#233 Barcode processor exits with errors bug major 6.5.1
#747 Basic WebDAV implementation for clients like Windows new feature minor 7.6.1
#188 Black/White lists of IPs car031 new feature minor 6.5
#313 Blank metadata for aliases during search bug major 6.7.2
#675 Bookmarks display pane does not save changes enhancement trivial
#144 Bookmarks on Folders car031 improvement minor 6.4
#819 Branding documentation not updated improvement minor
#187 Brute force attack prevention new feature major 7.6.2
#244 Bug in Personal Profile -> Welcome Screen wish trivial
#727 Bulgarian localization new feature minor 7.5.4
#330 Bulk Checkin new feature minor 6.8
#567 Bulk Checkout 'unlocks' documents bug minor 7.4.1
#501 Bulk Checkout feature does not list documents correctly bug minor
#1139 Bulk update available in search screen improvement minor 8.7.4
#522 Bulk update can modify locked documents metadata bug minor 7.2
#332 Button inactive bug minor
#1228 CAS deprecated, it will be removed in the next release deprecation major 8.9
#386 CIDR notation for Black/White lists of IPs improvement minor 7.1
#385 CIFS connector and Active Directory bug minor
#320 CIFS protocol implementation new feature major 6.8
#336 CIFS protocol implementation new feature major
#850 CMIS error when update from CMIS Workbench CMIS Workbench update bug minor
#858 CMIS query - how to search for document content bug minor 7.7.5
#753 CSV export workflow hitories improvement trivial 7.6.3
#467 CSV import/export utility for Lookuptables on Attribute Templates new feature minor 7.1.2
#486 Calendar Date Format in english US date format improvement minor 7.1.2
#628 Calendar Entries are not appearing bug major
#566 Calendar Entry Reoccurrence Limit improvement minor 7.4.1
#574 Calendar Event History Tracking Issue - Alias Copy bug minor 7.3
#287 Calendar System new feature major 6.7
#492 Calendar gets corrupted by high event frequency bug major 7.1.2
#743 Cannot configure multiple instances in iphone app bug minor
#353 Cannot create folder in iphone/ipad app bug minor
#350 Cannot purchase iPad/iPhone App bug major 6.8.1
#194 Cannot set some folders in search car031 bug minor 6.4
#744 Cannot view older document versions on iphone bug major
#182 Change template's name improvement trivial 6.4.1
#764 Change the default cursor when viewing documents improvement minor 7.7
#548 Change timestamp to datetime in MySQL improvement trivial 7.2.1
#1131 Changed the signature of automation method FolderTool.copy task trivial 8.7.3
#1132 Changed the signature of webservice method FolderService.copy task trivial 8.7.3
#418 Changing Keywords during Upload bug minor
#878 Chat and Instant Messaging new feature major 8.0.1
#469 Check out / in of documents via Office Addin new feature minor
#460 Check the ID of the remote folder bug major
#1020 Checkout and Lock does not work properly on alias (link) documents bug minor 8.4.2
#750 Checkout/Checkin from Workflow dashboard improvement minor 7.6.3
#909 Chunk uploads with webservices new feature minor 8.2
#1202 Chunked upload in CMIS improvement minor 8.8.5
#196 Clustering new feature major 6.5
#387 Clustering not working properly after update 6.8 bug minor 6.8.2
#897 Code completion in preset extended attributes car031 improvement minor 8.1.1
#1210 Color attribute on workflow improvement minor 8.8.6
#733 Colored markers on Folders new feature minor 7.6
#1087 Colored task names in workflow's dashboard improvement minor 8.7
#849 Colored workflow status improvement minor 7.7.4
#834 Columns - File Name - not active task trivial
#751 Command line tool to manage user sessions wish minor 7.6.4
#919 Compare between two versions exits in error verasion comparison bug minor 8.2
#537 Compare metadata does not display changes to tags bug minor 7.2
#713 Compatibility with Firefox 48 improvement major 7.5.2
#874 Compatibility with Java10 task minor 8.0
#902 Compatibility with Java11 task major 8.1.1
#880 Compatibility with MySQL8 improvement minor 8.0.1
#1040 Compatibility with ShareFile API v3 improvement minor 8.5.1
#594 Complete and Customizable Reporting system car031 new feature major 7.4
#463 Complete turkish localization improvement minor 7.1.1
#454 Compliance with Active Directory 2012 pagination bug minor 7.1.1
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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