Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#566 Calendar Entry Reoccurrence Limit improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#567 Bulk Checkout 'unlocks' documents bug minor 7.4.1 Core
#568 No history recorded for multiple document download improvement minor 7.3 Core
#570 Stamp new feature major 7.3 Core
#573 Ability to tag folders new feature minor 7.6.1 Core
#575 Add Documents - "Immediate Indexing" failing bug minor 7.3 Core
#576 Template: Cleanup orphaned preset options improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#577 search criteria and search attributes of a saved search get lost after logout bug minor 7.3 Core
#578 Form Management new feature major 7.3 Core
#580 Scripting capabilities in notification messages improvement minor 7.3 Core
#582 Gallery View Sort Order Change improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#589 New Stamps & Forms Buttons missing bug minor Core
#592 Correctly handle non-latin chars when sending emails bug trivial 7.4 Core
#593 Download and execute update from within main application GUI new feature minor 7.4 Core
#594 Complete and Customizable Reporting system car031 new feature major 7.4 Core
#598 Make forms externally available improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#602 Sharecrawler password displayed in clear text in dms.log improvement minor 7.4 Core
#608 Encryption of the Email Accounts password improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#609 LogicalDOC service script doesn't work bug minor Core
#617 Auto naming on the basis of the document's metadata new feature minor 7.4.2 Core
#618 Auto folding on the basis of the document's metadata new feature major 7.4.2 Core
#621 Hot-Folder 1.4.3 can not connect to logicaldoc 7.4-7.4.1 bug major Core
#661 Unable to configure Anonymous within a tenant bug minor 7.4.3 Core
#665 Optimization of tags handling for huge repositories enhancement minor 7.5 Core
#678 Paste as PDF alias issues Bug trivial 7.5 Core
#679 Notify of quota exceeded new feature minor 7.6.2 Core
#686 Fatal Error with Database Cleaner Task car031 bug minor 7.5 Core
#687 Reusable custom attribute sets new feature major 7.5 Core
#688 Removed support for Java7 deprecation major 7.5 Core
#700 Set document maxversions per workspace wish minor 7.6 Core
#712 Introduction of print permission improvement minor 7.5.2 Core
#718 Indexing of files .vsd (Visio) and .pub (Publisher) improvement minor 7.5.3 Core
#719 Supported charsets other than UTF-8 when importing zip files improvement minor 7.5.3 Core
#720 Fulltext Analyzer filters new feature minor 7.5.3 Core
#723 500 Error bug trivial Core
#724 Diagnosis task to check the repository consistency new feature minor 7.7 Core
#725 Index Merger task minor Core
#726 Customizable assignment of storage repository to Worspace new feature major 7.6 Core
#727 Bulgarian localization new feature minor 7.5.4 Core
#729 Greek localization new feature major 7.5.4 Core
#745 Protect documents with a password for an additional security level new feature major 7.6.1 Core
#751 Command line tool to manage user sessions wish minor 7.6.4 Core
#756 Quota Alert bug trivial Core
#757 Social like rating mechanism for the documents improvement minor 7.6.3 Core
#763 The quota mechanism does not work well bug major 7.6.3 Core
#767 Libre Office support for PDF conversion and preview improvement minor 7.6.4 Core
#768 Extensible storer framework improvement major 7.6.4 Core
#769 Implementation of a Storer for remote repositories (SMB) new feature minor 7.6.4 Core
#770 Configurable runlevels new feature minor 7.6.4 Core
#772 File format conversions new feature major 7.6.4 Core
#778 Switch to MS SQL Jdbc Drivers task minor 7.7 Core
#779 Retention policies on Folders improvement minor 7.7 Core
#783 Deleting an version of a document recorded in history wish minor 7.7 Core
#787 Ability to send images from inside an Automation Script improvement minor 7.7 Core
#793 Option to convert alias to document new feature minor 7.7.2 Core
#794 Deduplicate files new feature minor 7.7.2 Core
#795 Pluggable and configurable Format Convertsion System new feature major 7.7 Core
#796 Integration with the online conversion platform ZamZar new feature minor 7.7 Core
#797 Integration with Doc2Any conversion program new feature minor 7.7 Core
#798 Removed the 'title' metadata of the Documents (use only the 'fileName') deprecation major 7.7 Core
#808 urgent loading error Radwa bug blocker Core
#820 LD 7.7.1 - Login Permalink: User with Umlaut as pwd not works bug major 7.7.2 Core
#830 Two Factors Authentication new feature major 7.7.3 Core
#847 Drop support for 32bit systems deprecation major 7.7.4 Core
#855 Introduction of EMAIL permission improvement minor 7.7.5 Core
#856 Introduction of MOVE permission improvement minor 7.7.5 Core
#864 Virtual Intelligent Agent (VIA) new feature major 8.0 Core
#867 Integrated FTP / FTPS server new feature minor 8.0 Core
#874 Compatibility with Java10 task minor 8.0 Core
#875 Ability to print the full-path of a document in a Stamp improvement minor 8.0 Core
#880 Compatibility with MySQL8 improvement minor 8.0.1 Core
#892 Automation routines to introduce custom logic in reaction to system events new feature major 8.1 Core
#896 Version promotion improvement minor 8.1 Core
#902 Compatibility with Java11 task major 8.1.1 Core
#906 Read-only users new feature major 8.2 Core
#910 Unable to upload document until you click a file in the system bug major Core
#913 Syndication new feature major 8.2 Core
#924 Parallel indexing improvement major 8.2.1 Core
#930 patches distribution through the administration improvement minor 8.2.1 Core
#932 Removed support of DBMS MySQL 5.0 and 5.1 deprecation trivial 8.2.1 Core
#933 Removed support of Oracle 9 deprecation trivial 8.2.1 Core
#937 Support for SMB2 protocol (both import folder and storage) improvement major 8.2.2 Core
#938 Support for SMB3 protocol (both import folder and storage) improvement major 8.2.2 Core
#939 Ability to configure more than one AD / LDAP authentication servers improvement major 8.2.2 Core
#954 The auto naming function does not work during checkin bug major 8.3.1 Core
#955 Support for Java8 will be dropped in the next version deprecation major 8.3.1 Core
#959 Hidden extensible attributes improvement minor 8.3.1 Core
#963 Extended attibutes with multiple values improvement major 8.3.2 Core
#976 Propagate database layer exceptions and let them to reach application layer improvement minor 8.3.4 Core
#979 Ability to annotate in the body of any document improvement major 8.3.4 Core
#992 Maximum number of download criteria for Download Tickets improvement minor 8.4 Core
#995 Purging Documents deleted before a given date improvement minor 8.5 Core
#1001 Extended attributes of type Folder improvement major 8.4.1 Core
#1014 Option to evaluate CustomID / Autofolding / Autonaming at update improvement minor 8.4.2 Core
#1016 Connection to databse lost bug major Core
#1020 Checkout and Lock does not work properly on alias (link) documents bug minor 8.4.2 Core
#1021 Support for ePub, AZW3 and MOBI ebook files(indexing / preview) improvement minor 8.5 Core
#1028 Programmatically merge more PDF files new feature minor 8.5.1 Core
#1039 Issues when number of folders in a subfolder is more than 1000 bug minor 8.5.1 Core
#1041 Setup the storage to use at folder level improvement minor 8.5.1 Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.