Custom Query (913 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 913)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#237 Implementation of the CMIS 1.0 AtomPub protocol new feature major 6.5.2 CMIS
#1253 Implementation of the PREVIEW permission new feature major 8.9.2 Core
#1258 Implemented merge method in the EnterpriseDocument webservice improvement minor 8.9.3 Web Services
#1227 Implemented single sign-on with SAML 2 new feature major 8.9 Security
#392 Import contacts from csv file improvement minor 7.0.1 Core
#291 Import folders: avoid duplicated entries and load lastModified and creation date car031 improvement major 6.6.2 Import / Export
#1081 Improve the Search Folder form improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#1075 Improved the quality of grids prints improvement minor 8.6.1 User Interface
#260 Improved performance of massive folders deletions improvement minor 6.6 Core
#1263 Improved statistics in the System webservice improvement minor 9.0 Web Services
#776 Improvements in the preview of emails improvement minor 7.6.4 User Interface
#736 Improvements in the visualization and search of workflow histories improvement minor 7.6 Workflow
#773 Include Notes in Searches new feature minor 7.7 Search Engine
#888 Inclusion and exclusion filters in barcode recognition patterns improvement minor 8.1 Barcode
#975 Incorrect invalid email bug minor 8.3.4 Installer
#725 Index Merger task minor Core
#232 IndexOptimixer generates exceptions on the log bug minor 6.5.1 Search Engine
#718 Indexing of files .vsd (Visio) and .pub (Publisher) improvement minor 7.5.3 Core
#190 Indicate effective search depth improvement trivial 6.3.5 User Interface
#414 Inherit Rights button to inherit rights from another folder improvement minor 7.1 User Interface
#531 Inherit option not enabled by default for new folder creation wish minor 7.2.1 Core
#867 Integrated FTP / FTPS server new feature minor 8.0 Core
#755 Integrated editor for plain text files new feature minor 7.6.3 User Interface
#1266 Integration of ChatGPT new feature major 9.0 Artificial Itelligence
#941 Integration of the remote conversion service Convertio improvement major 8.2.2 Format Conversion
#927 Integration with CoolTool TotalImageConverter new feature minor 8.2.1 Format Conversion
#797 Integration with Doc2Any conversion program new feature minor 7.7 Core
#1024 Integration with DocuSign eSignature online service new feature major 8.5 DocuSign
#1133 Integration with Duo Two Factors Authenticator new feature major 8.7.3 Security
#1273 Integration with Google Calendar new feature major 9.0 Calendar
#854 Integration with the online OCR Web Service new feature minor 7.7.5 OCR
#796 Integration with the online conversion platform ZamZar new feature minor 7.7 Core
#581 Interaction with the workflow from within e-mail new feature minor 7.3 Workflow
#1225 Introduced inclusion / exclusion filters to index email attachments also improvement minor 8.9 Core
#855 Introduction of EMAIL permission improvement minor 7.7.5 Core
#856 Introduction of MOVE permission improvement minor 7.7.5 Core
#712 Introduction of print permission improvement minor 7.5.2 Core
#873 Introduction of vectorial icons for a more professional interface improvement minor 8.0 User Interface
#1172 Issue with LDSYNC bug major 8.8.4 Sync
#951 Issue with downloading and previewing documents bug critical Documentation
#1039 Issues when number of folders in a subfolder is more than 1000 bug minor 8.5.1 Core
#820 LD 7.7.1 - Login Permalink: User with Umlaut as pwd not works bug major 7.7.2 Core
#918 LDAP navigator(Java Webstart) is deprecated and no more available in the next release deprecation minor 8.2 User Interface
#1223 Label attribute for templates and attribute sets improvement minor 8.9 Core
#360 Language field in metadata editor should be a limited dropdown list Blucecio improvement minor Office Addin
#967 Language metadata shown in documents grids improvement minor 8.3.3 User Interface
#767 Libre Office support for PDF conversion and preview improvement minor 7.6.4 Core
#450 LibreOffice CMIS compliance improvement trivial 7.1 CMIS
#1125 Link email and it's attachment improvement minor Outlook Addin
#488 Locked documents report new feature minor 7.1.2 Core
#314 Log Download utility new feature trivial 6.7.2 Core
#852 LogicalDOC Android App: Bug on Ext. Properties - INTEGER bug trivial Android App
#1030 LogicalDOC Android app issues bug major Android App
#987 LogicalDOC For Office Missing String Value In User Select improvement minor Office Addin
#534 LogicalDOC Office Launcher has stopped working Blucecio bug minor Office Addin
#420 LogicalDOC mobile app doesn't work on IOS 7.1 fulger59 bug critical iPad and iPhone App
#609 LogicalDOC service script doesn't work bug minor Core
#988 Logicaldoc does not repond to web service bug minor User Interface
#1083 Login error after the initial change password attempt bug major User Interface
#222 Lookup table for extended attribute options improvement minor 7.1 Core
#316 Loss of typed characters during the insertion of tags bug minor 6.7.2 User Interface
#1065 MD5 option for External Authentication removed from next release deprecation minor 8.6 LDAP / Active Directory
#782 Make CMIS MAX ITEMS configurable improvement minor 7.7 CMIS
#561 Make exit button more accessible Dominik Fakner improvement minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#598 Make forms externally available improvement minor 7.4.1 Core
#992 Maximum number of download criteria for Download Tickets improvement minor 8.4 Core
#886 Menu for Versions section improvement trivial 8.1 User Interface
#1033 Merging capabilities from inside the Automation improvement minor 8.5.1 Automation
#395 Message explaining TMP file download when using "Edit with Office" improvement minor Office Addin
#560 Metadata Preset Export/Import Issue bug minor 7.2.1 User Interface
#306 Metadata editing at checkin time improvement major 6.7.1 Core
#152 Metadata not stored if there is a Workflow trigger car031 bug minor 6.3.3 Workflow
#1203 Miscellaneous improvements in the Last Changes report improvement minor 8.8.5 User Interface
#441 More details in the Notes dashlet improvement minor 7.1 User Interface
#457 More file icons improvement trivial 7.1.1 User Interface
#180 Move folder name to beginning of tab/window title improvement minor 6.3.5 User Interface
#1281 Move menu on Folder cannot be selected bug minor 9.0.1 User Interface
#717 Move/Copy alias must not alter the original document bug trivial 7.5.3 User Interface
#421 Multi Tenant new feature major 7.0 Core
#146 Multi Workspace new feature major 6.4 Core
#1251 Multi-section forms improvement major 8.9.2 Core
#1185 Multiple Emails on Pressing Approve Button Many Times bug minor 8.8.4 User Interface
#947 Multiple workflow supervisors improvement minor 8.3 Workflow
#177 My document import client not working on v6.3.4 bug major Web Services
#311 MySQL 5.6 compliance bug minor 6.7.1 Core
#589 New Stamps & Forms Buttons missing bug minor Core
#1190 New YubiKey5 API improvement minor 8.8.4 Authentication
#274 New extended attribute type: Boolean car031 improvement minor 6.6.1 Core
#464 New preview tab in the document's detail panel improvement minor 7.1.1 User Interface
#986 New webservice method WorkflowService.reassign improvement minor 8.4 Web Services
#1038 Nice popups to notify alerts improvement minor 8.5.1 User Interface
#568 No history recorded for multiple document download improvement minor 7.3 Core
#616 No program options appear for opening documents in iPad/iPhone App. Blucecio bug major iPad and iPhone App
#262 Non-admin users have problems accessing to webdav bug major 6.5.2 Core
#292 Not all folders deleted after database cleanup bug minor 6.6.2 Core
#734 Notes on workflow tasks new feature minor 7.6 Workflow
#444 Notification emails improvement minor 7.4.1 Calendar
#571 Notifications not issued at workflow end bug minor 7.3 Workflow
#295 Notifications not sent for documents in a leaf folder bug minor 6.7 Core
#1286 Notify attendees about events cancelation improvement minor 9.0.1 Calendar
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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