Custom Query (1125 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 1125)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#212 Upgrade CXF to the latest 2.5.x task minor 6.5
#215 replace commons logging with slf4j wish minor 6.5
#216 Error in saving outgoing email bug minor
#217 Publishing Date wish minor
#218 Configurable action on document's double click car031 improvement minor 6.4.2
#219 Option to import empty folders improvement minor 6.4.2
#221 Option to select a folder with code completion improvement minor 6.4.2
#222 Lookup table for extended attribute options improvement minor 7.1
#223 Audit Webservice new feature minor 6.5
#225 Statistics not calculated on SQL Server Blucecio bug minor
#226 Statistics not working after 6.4.2 update Blucecio bug minor
#227 Upgrade MSSQL driver jTDS task minor 6.5
#229 Upgrade POI to the latest 3.8 task minor 6.6
#231 Upgrade GTW-upload to latest 0.6.4 task minor 6.6
#232 IndexOptimixer generates exceptions on the log bug minor 6.5.1
#238 problem about check in file bug minor
#239 Extended attributes in documents grid car031 improvement minor 6.5.1
#240 Restore of documents drag&drop improvement minor 6.5.1
#243 Ability for send emails to a list distribution or group-list new feature minor
#245 Webservices API to interact with the Workflow workflow, web services, API car031 new feature minor 7.6
#247 Options 'case sensitive' and 'search for aliases' in parametric search bug minor 6.5.2
#248 Wrong error message when changing password car031 bug minor 6.5.2
#249 preview issue bug minor
#251 Error creating a document into a folder with Metadata office add-in Blucecio bug minor 6.5.2
#252 Document import error bug minor
#256 Workflow trigger not fired bug minor 6.5.2
#258 Prevent checkin errors where configuration not performed improvement minor
#259 Error when opening a document alias bug minor 6.5.2
#260 Improved performance of massive folders deletions improvement minor 6.6
#264 Support for the Swedish language improvement minor 6.6
#265 Ability to move up one level in the folder navigation improvement minor
#267 Upgrade to the latest User Interface technologies improvement minor 6.6.1
#268 Decouple WebServices from the Core API task minor 6.7
#269 Fulltext search broken in WebService bug minor 6.6.2
#270 Print a selection of documents into a single PDF car031 new feature minor 6.6.1
#272 Notify users at wotkfllow end car031 improvement minor 6.6.1
#273 Statistical Graphs not coming due to error. error For input string TypeError):c is nullstack: car031 bug minor 6.6.1
#274 New extended attribute type: Boolean car031 improvement minor 6.6.1
#275 [Bulk update] add tag is not working car031 bug minor 6.6.1
#276 [Message] Subscription message is incorrectly formatted bug minor
#278 Wrong pages order in preview bug minor 6.6.1
#279 Send to export achive a folders tree improvement minor 6.6.1
#280 Lack of consistency for filenames between web interface and office add-in dialog. wish minor
#281 Avoid inconsistencies between day-of-week and day-of-month improvement minor 6.6.2
#282 Download tiket in Outlook Addin blucecio74 new feature minor
#284 Search folders using custom meta-data folder, meta-data, search new feature minor 7.6.1
#285 Show dropdownlist of users in search-tab search, user, drop-down list improvement minor
#286 Notify users on adding note improvement minor 7.1
#288 Two more sequences for CustomID: <folder_seq>, <folder_template_seq> improvement minor 6.6.2
#289 Apply workflow triggers to the subtree improvement minor 6.6.2
#292 Not all folders deleted after database cleanup bug minor 6.6.2
#293 Unable to add a new storage bug minor 6.7
#294 Search in folder broken for admin account bug minor 6.7
#295 Notifications not sent for documents in a leaf folder bug minor 6.7
#296 Default message template deleted car031 bug minor
#297 Delete workflow instances when the associated workflow template is deleted improvement minor 6.7
#300 External Call car031 new feature minor 6.7
#302 Histories listing in Audit webservice improvement minor 6.7.1
#303 Croatian language localization new feature minor 6.7.1
#305 Compliance with new GoogleDocs changes bug minor 6.7.1
#307 Ability to delete specific versions new feature minor 6.7.1
#308 Option to inherit security policies from parent when creating a new folder new feature minor 6.7.1
#310 Upload folders through DropSpot DropSpot improvement minor 6.7.1
#311 MySQL 5.6 compliance bug minor 6.7.1
#312 Error uploading multiple files car031 bug minor 6.7.2
#315 Anonymous login new feature minor 6.7.2
#316 Loss of typed characters during the insertion of tags tags bug minor 6.7.2
#318 Restore of deleted folders new feature minor 6.8
#321 Usabe tag cloud on Chrome improvement minor 6.7.2
#324 WebService method getAliases improvement minor 6.7.2
#325 Connection Problems with Android 4.1 car031 improvement minor
#327 Folder specification not used when searching for aliases bug minor 6.8
#328 Folder specification not used when searching for aliases bug minor 6.7.3
#329 Feedback for uploading files for LogicalDOC improvement minor 6.7.3
#330 Bulk Checkin new feature minor 6.8
#332 Button inactive bug minor
#333 Error msgs "persistence method 'databaseStorage' not yet supported" ujmoser bug minor 6.8
#334 Error sending internal message bug minor 6.8
#337 Support DB instance definition at installation time when using SQL Server improvement minor 6.8
#340 Display the folder from which security policies are inherited improvement minor 7.1
#342 US date format support in date editing widget improvement minor 6.8
#343 Refactoring of the preview component task minor 6.8.1
#344 Web content(HTML) wysiywg editor new feature minor 6.8.1
#352 Anti-virus scanning at time of upload new feature minor 7.1
#353 Cannot create folder in iphone/ipad app bug minor
#355 Active directory connection appears to be broken - Logical Doc bug minor 6.8.1
#356 Search results should be sorted by rank (descending order) Blucecio bug minor 6.8.1
#358 Handling of non-Word files in Office Add-in improvement minor
#359 Horizontal scroll bar in the results window missing bug minor 6.8.1
#360 Language field in metadata editor should be a limited dropdown list Blucecio improvement minor
#361 Single window for saving and editing metadata wish minor
#362 Open-button grayed out on highlighted items improvement minor
#363 Ability to lauch full text search by hitting "enter" key Blucecio improvement minor
#364 Adding more tags at once improvement minor 7.1
#365 Ability to perform batch updates of documents on search results new feature minor
#367 Ability to send messages to groups of users new feature minor 7.4.2
#372 Possibility to add new documents to existing Calendar Event improvement minor 6.8.1
#373 Tomcat Application fails to stop Tomcat bug minor 6.8.1
#374 Add metadata based routing to workflows new feature minor
#375 Optionally add watermarks to documents new feature minor
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.