Custom Query (1079 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 1079)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#938 Support for SMB3 protocol (both import folder and storage) improvement major 8.2.2
#937 Support for SMB2 protocol (both import folder and storage) improvement major 8.2.2
#936 RSS feeds on folder and documents have been removed task trivial 8.2.2
#935 RSS feeds are deprecated and no more available in future releases deprecation minor 8.2.1
#934 Lost User Data Allocation to User groups User Groups bug blocker
#933 Removed support of Oracle 9 deprecation trivial 8.2.1
#932 Removed support of DBMS MySQL 5.0 and 5.1 deprecation trivial 8.2.1
#931 Ability to enable/disable language selector in the login form improvement trivial 8.2.1
#930 patches distribution through the administration improvement minor 8.2.1
#929 chuncked downloads through SOAP API improvement minor 8.2.1
#928 Preview of DICOM files improvement major 8.2.1
#927 Integration with CoolTool TotalImageConverter new feature minor 8.2.1
#926 Removed path attribute of WSDocument task minor 8.2.1
#925 Support S3 storage through IAM Role improvement major 8.2.1
#924 Parallel indexing improvement major 8.2.1
#923 Ability to update document properties via CMIS during checkin improvement minor 8.2.1
#922 Removed Java Webstart apps task minor 8.2.1
#921 Parametric search does handle properly the Template selector bug minor 8.2
#919 Compare between two versions exits in error verasion comparison bug minor 8.2
#918 LDAP navigator(Java Webstart) is deprecated and no more available in the next release deprecation minor 8.2
#917 Mailbox import - SubFolder mailbox import folder wish minor
#916 SQL queries through Webservices new feature minor 8.2
#915 Outlook Addin new message bug major
#914 Logical Doc API API, REST, Python framework bug trivial
#913 Syndication new feature major 8.2
#912 Preview of signed Outlook messages improvement minor 8.2
#911 Access denied bug major
#910 Unable to upload document until you click a file in the system Document bug major
#909 Chunk uploads with webservices new feature minor 8.2
#908 Order expression in EnterpriseSerarch improvement minor 8.2
#907 Create method findByPath in REST interface improvement minor 8.2
#906 Read-only users new feature major 8.2
#905 SignTool to sign documents in automation scripts improvement minor 8.1.1
#904 Webservice to apply stamps improvement minor 8.1.1
#903 Configurable indexing order improvement minor 8.1.1
#902 Compatibility with Java11 task major 8.1.1
#901 Ability to launch an automation routine from an automation script (AutomationTool) improvement minor 8.1.1
#900 Allow session id in the request as parameter improvement minor 8.1.1
#899 Strange characters in form bug minor 8.1.1
#898 Deletion of user group data bug critical
#897 Code completion in preset extended attributes car031 improvement minor 8.1.1
#896 Version promotion improvement minor 8.1
#895 Folders tree pagination improvement major 8.2.1
#894 problema metadati office addin adminusername bug minor
#893 Metadata history metadata history improvement major
#892 Automation routines to introduce custom logic in reaction to system events new feature major 8.1
#889 Creation of BarcodeTool class to simplify barcode handling from inside the Automation improvement minor 8.1
#888 Inclusion and exclusion filters in barcode recognition patterns improvement minor 8.1
#887 Reintroduction of <title> token for Custom ID, Auto naming and Auto folding improvement minor
#886 Menu for Versions section improvement trivial 8.1
#885 unable to delete calender events bug minor
#884 Optimized WebDAV performances improvement minor 8.0.1
#883 Flag to completely disable quota calculations wish minor
#882 office plugin / comment field improvement minor
#881 Aggiungere il campo time all'autocomposizione del nome mail new feature trivial
#880 Compatibility with MySQL8 improvement minor 8.0.1
#879 Record the reason for signing (compliance with medial standard 21CFR Part 11) reason improvement minor 8.1
#878 Chat and Instant Messaging new feature major 8.0.1
#877 Web service unexpectedly hangs hangs bug blocker
#876 Single sign-on(SSO) via CAS new feature major 8.1
#875 Ability to print the full-path of a document in a Stamp improvement minor 8.0
#874 Compatibility with Java10 task minor 8.0
#873 Introduction of vectorial icons for a more professional interface improvement minor 8.0
#872 Permalink to the specific document version improvement minor 8.0
#871 Support for the polish language improvement minor 8.0
#870 Extended ImportFolders feature to connect to FTP/FTPS/SFTP servers improvement major 8.0
#869 DocumentMetadata web service moved from Enterprise to Community task trivial 8.0
#868 Preview of P7M file format improvement minor 8.0
#867 Integrated FTP / FTPS server new feature minor 8.0
#866 Support of italian electronic invoice(Fattura PA) new feature minor
#865 Parametric Search parametric search improvement trivial
#864 Virtual Intelligent Agent (VIA) new feature major 8.0
#863 Searching Null Values improvement minor 8.0.1
#862 Save Problem on Task Scheduling and Email Account import Blucecio bug minor
#861 Ability to add a group to calendar notifications group improvement minor 8.0.1
#858 CMIS query - how to search for document content bug minor 7.7.5
#857 Graphical representation of the Workflow completion improvement major 7.7.5
#856 Introduction of MOVE permission improvement minor 7.7.5
#855 Introduction of EMAIL permission improvement minor 7.7.5
#854 Integration with the online OCR Web Service new feature minor 7.7.5
#853 Support Nuance Power PDF OCR engine improvement minor 8.1
#852 LogicalDOC Android App: Bug on Ext. Properties - INTEGER bug trivial
#851 Control to change display page on large folder has problem bug major 7.7.5
#850 CMIS error when update from CMIS Workbench CMIS Workbench update bug minor
#849 Colored workflow status improvement minor 7.7.4
#848 GUI performance degradation bug major 7.7.4
#847 Drop support for 32bit systems deprecation major 7.7.4
#846 Details on a document give 404 bug minor 7.7.4
#845 Recent documents list for Office Add-in new feature minor
#844 Office Integration bug trivial
#843 Preview not working preview error bug trivial
#842 New Installation does not work on IE11 IE11 bug trivial
#841 Dropbox authorization problem bug minor 7.7.3
#840 Web Installer Broken bug major
#839 LibreOffice plugin not allowing new formats or pdf conversion to work properly task trivial
#838 Display button in Indexing queue does not seem to be working bug minor 7.7.3
#837 german language for the GUI will not be used bug minor
#836 Possible to create an unpublished document from webservices improvement minor
#835 Display the current instance's history to participants of the workflow improvement minor 7.7.3
#834 Columns - File Name - not active task trivial
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.