Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 926)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1188 Saved searches yield different results bug major 8.8.4 Search Engine
#1200 History tab in the Indexing panel improvement minor 8.8.5 Search Engine
#900 Allow session id in the request as parameter improvement minor 8.1.1 Security
#978 Force the user to change the password when the credentials are sent by email. improvement minor 8.3.4 Security
#1018 XSS Vulnerability bug major 8.4.2 Security
#1064 Trust devices to skip second factor authentication improvement minor 8.6 Security
#1066 Geolocation of requests new feature major 8.6 Security
#1078 Enforce password history new feature minor 8.6.1 Security
#1098 Security policies for Workflows improvement major 8.7 Security
#1121 Disable users inactive after a configurable amount of days new feature minor 8.7.2 Security
#1133 Integration with Duo Two Factors Authenticator new feature major 8.7.3 Security
#1153 OpenSSL vulnerability CVE-2022-1292 bug minor 8.8.1 Security
#1160 Firewall policies for URL contents improvement minor 8.8.2 Security
#1162 configurable list of allowed external commands improvement major 8.8.3 Security
#1174 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47415 bug minor 8.8.4 Security
#1175 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47416 bug minor 8.8.4 Security
#1176 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47417 bug minor 8.8.4 Security
#1177 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47418 bug minor 8.8.4 Security
#1182 Configurable cookies SameSite improvement minor 8.8.4 Security
#1194 Trigger the antivirus when updating metadata improvement minor 8.8.5 Security
#1207 Option to permanently disable a user when brute force attack has been detected improvement minor 8.8.6 Security
#1220 Send an alert when a possible brute force attack has been detected improvement minor 8.8.6 Security
#1227 Implemented single sign-on with SAML 2 new feature major 8.9 Security
#1228 CAS deprecated, it will be removed in the next release deprecation major 8.9 Security
#1241 Security policies at document level new feature critical 8.9.1 Security
#1040 Compatibility with ShareFile API v3 improvement minor 8.5.1 ShareFile
#1237 Support of CAS single-sign-on has been removed deprecation minor 8.9.1 Single sign-on
#1246 Implementation of SAML SLO (Single Log Out) improvement minor 8.9.2 Single sign-on
#1299 Define the default type of users imported from SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#1300 Dynamically validate with Automaion the users authenticated with SAML improvement minor 9.1.1 Single sign-on
#991 PDF Splitting capabilities new feature major 8.4 Split
#1063 Support the 2FA for permalinks improvement minor 8.6 Split
#1138 Customizable segments naming when splitting improvement minor 8.7.4 Split
#631 Stamps only work on PDF documents bug minor 7.4.3 Stamp
#654 Stamp Reversing bug major 7.4.3 Stamp
#698 Option to specify page ranges in the Stamp definition improvement minor 7.5.1 Stamp
#741 Ability to stamp dynamic barcodes inside the document car031 new feature minor 7.6 Stamp
#817 Unable to assign users to new stamps bug major 7.7.2 Stamp
#956 Visual positioning of stamps new feature major 8.3.1 Stamp
#981 Stamps with HTML formatting improvement major 8.3.4 Stamp
#999 support chinese chars in stamps improvement minor 8.4.1 Stamp
#1126 Passing dynamic parameters to stamps improvement minor 8.7.3 Stamp
#1143 User's personal signature new feature minor 8.8 Stamp
#1199 Added $page variable in the stamp dictionary improvement minor 8.8.5 Stamp
#1242 Security policies to both users and groups on Stamps improvement minor 8.9.1 Stamp
#1254 Apply different stamps in the same stamping session improvement minor 8.9.2 Stamp
#805 Support for Cloud storage on Amazon S3 new feature major 7.7.1 Storage
#806 Support for Cloud storage on Microsoft Azure new feature major 7.7.1 Storage
#925 Support S3 storage through IAM Role improvement major 8.2.1 Storage
#347 Sync moves files to trash if locally modified bug major Sync
#348 Sync doesn't sync items restored from trash until they are modified bug major Sync
#349 Sync not syncing document changes made on server side bug major Sync
#460 Check the ID of the remote folder bug major Sync
#461 Cryptic error during installation bug minor Sync
#481 Sync does not update files that create temp working files when editing bug major Sync
#482 Sync destroys file content when uploading/modifying via LogicalDOC Helpdesk bug critical Sync
#1172 Issue with LDSYNC bug major 8.8.4 Sync
#989 Option to enable/disable CustomID replication during Syndication improvement minor 8.4 Syndication
#136 Sometimes the upload doesn't work (documents do not appear) car031 bug minor 6.4 User Interface
#137 Enable the Czech language improvement minor 6.3.2 User Interface
#138 Tags are taken over too soon during type in Blucecio bug major 6.3.3 User Interface
#143 Remember view in folder pane improvement minor 6.3.3 User Interface
#144 Bookmarks on Folders car031 improvement minor 6.4 User Interface
#145 Translation of the item confirmation move messages wish trivial 6.4 User Interface
#148 Events timestamp not correctly shown in Last Changes bug trivial 6.3.3 User Interface
#151 Size of "Move" dialogue box. car031 improvement minor 6.3.3 User Interface
#157 Option to copy folders improvement minor 7.1 User Interface
#158 Drop spot modifications improvement minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#164 Ability to download multiple files at once improvement minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#165 Have tab/page title show folder selected. car031 improvement minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#166 Settings changes should take immediate effect improvement trivial 6.3.4 User Interface
#168 Tag entry issue car031 bug minor 6.3.4 User Interface
#178 Summaries for each document improvement trivial User Interface
#180 Move folder name to beginning of tab/window title improvement minor 6.3.5 User Interface
#182 Change template's name improvement trivial 6.4.1 User Interface
#184 Additional characters for usernames car031 improvement trivial 6.3.5 User Interface
#185 Content in Folders disappeared bug major User Interface
#190 Indicate effective search depth improvement trivial 6.3.5 User Interface
#192 Bad filename encoding during download with Safari bug trivial User Interface
#194 Cannot set some folders in search car031 bug minor 6.4 User Interface
#195 Configurable default page after login car031 new feature minor 6.4 User Interface
#198 File Types in Version Pane improvement minor 6.4.1 User Interface
#207 Group policies not inherited bug trivial 6.4.1 User Interface
#210 Print option available even if the user doesn't have download permission blucecio bug minor 6.4.1 User Interface
#218 Configurable action on document's double click car031 improvement minor 6.4.2 User Interface
#220 Default document's detail tab car031 improvement trivial 6.4.2 User Interface
#221 Option to select a folder with code completion improvement minor 6.4.2 User Interface
#228 Preview in Versions history improvement trivial 6.5 User Interface
#231 Upgrade GTW-upload to latest 0.6.4 task minor 6.6 User Interface
#239 Extended attributes in documents grid car031 improvement minor 6.5.1 User Interface
#240 Restore of documents drag&drop improvement minor 6.5.1 User Interface
#244 Bug in Personal Profile -> Welcome Screen wish trivial User Interface
#248 Wrong error message when changing password car031 bug minor 6.5.2 User Interface
#254 Asynchronous folder's deletion improvement trivial 6.5.2 User Interface
#255 Customizable User Dashboard new feature major 6.6 User Interface
#263 Upgrade Flexpaper to latest release task major 6.6 User Interface
#267 Upgrade to the latest User Interface technologies improvement minor 6.6.1 User Interface
#273 Statistical Graphs not coming due to error. car031 bug minor 6.6.1 User Interface
#275 [Bulk update] add tag is not working car031 bug minor 6.6.1 User Interface
#300 External Call car031 new feature minor 6.7 User Interface
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.