Custom Query (1079 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 1079)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#702 Thumbnail and Pdf conversion for the .psd format improvement minor 7.5.2
#703 Thumbnail, Pdf conversion, and indexing support for the .ai format(pdf compatibility option) improvement minor 7.5.2
#704 Added the column groups in Administration->Security car031 improvement minor 7.5.2
#705 Exporting utility in Administration->Security->Users car031 improvement minor 7.5.2
#706 Zoho integration Import/Export/Editing car031 new feature major 7.5.2
#707 PDF Signing new feature major 7.7.2
#708 Ability to insert images into a document via office addin wish major
#709 Office Addin edit properties validation error bug major
#710 Office Addin edit properties mandatory fields validated bug minor
#711 Adobe Plugin new feature minor
#712 Introduction of print permission improvement minor 7.5.2
#713 Compatibility with Firefox 48 improvement major 7.5.2
#714 Add symbol does not work on iPad in portrait mode bug minor
#715 Confusing Interface on Plugin, Need the ability to change the title on upload Feature Request minor
#716 Ability to change default sort order of folders Feature Request trivial 7.5.4
#717 Move/Copy alias must not alter the original document bug trivial 7.5.3
#718 Indexing of files .vsd (Visio) and .pub (Publisher) improvement minor 7.5.3
#719 Supported charsets other than UTF-8 when importing zip files improvement minor 7.5.3
#720 Fulltext Analyzer filters new feature minor 7.5.3
#721 Configure the default ordered set of columns in the documents grid new feature trivial 7.5.4
#723 500 Error bug trivial
#724 Diagnosis task to check the repository consistency new feature minor 7.7
#725 Index Merger task minor
#726 Customizable assignment of storage repository to Worspace new feature major 7.6
#727 Bulgarian localization new feature minor 7.5.4
#728 Swedish localization improvement minor 7.5.4
#729 Greek localization new feature major 7.5.4
#730 Suggestion bug major
#731 Resizable Preview Panel Improvement minor 7.6
#732 Preview navigator(navigate the documents in prevew mode) improvement minor 7.6
#733 Colored markers on Folders new feature minor 7.6
#734 Notes on workflow tasks new feature minor 7.6
#735 Tagging of workflow instances for better identification improvement minor 7.6
#736 Improvements in the visualization and search of workflow histories improvement minor 7.6
#737 Access to the workflow history from inside the workflow automation improvement minor 7.6
#738 Removed the deprecated webservice method DocumentService.list deprecation minor 7.6
#739 Create download tickets with the webservice improvement minor 7.6
#740 Remove workflow attached document improvement minor 7.6.1
#742 Ability to link spreadsheets new feature major
#743 Cannot configure multiple instances in iphone app bug minor
#744 Cannot view older document versions on iphone bug major
#745 Protect documents with a password for an additional security level new feature major 7.6.1
#746 Traverse the document links in a tree improvement minor 7.6.1
#747 Basic WebDAV implementation for clients like Windows new feature minor 7.6.1
#748 Administration of the Branding improvement major 7.6.2
#749 Ability for Administrators to unset passwords improvement minor 7.6.2
#750 Checkout/Checkin from Workflow dashboard improvement minor 7.6.3
#751 Command line tool to manage user sessions wish minor 7.6.4
#752 Display a heart icon to mark bookmarked documents improvement trivial 7.6.3
#753 CSV export workflow hitories improvement trivial 7.6.3
#754 Report to list and restore deleted folders new feature minor 7.6.3
#755 Integrated editor for plain text files new feature minor 7.6.3
#757 Social like rating mechanism for the documents improvement minor 7.6.3
#758 Web service to easily manage tags car031 new feature minor 7.6.3
#759 Web service methods to add or manage the notes on documents car031 improvement minor 7.6.3
#760 Web service to add and retrieve bookmarks to documents and folders car031 new feature minor 7.6.3
#761 Web service method to rate a document car031 new feature minor 7.6.3
#762 Delete a version of a file with SOAP API Blucecio improvement minor 7.6.4
#763 The quota mechanism does not work well bug major 7.6.3
#764 Change the default cursor when viewing documents improvement minor 7.7
#766 uploading files bug minor
#767 Libre Office support for PDF conversion and preview improvement minor 7.6.4
#768 Extensible storer framework improvement major 7.6.4
#769 Implementation of a Storer for remote repositories (SMB) new feature minor 7.6.4
#770 Configurable runlevels new feature minor 7.6.4
#771 Upgrade PDFjs car031 task minor 7.6.4
#772 File format conversions new feature major 7.6.4
#773 Include Notes in Searches new feature minor 7.7
#774 Ability to preview Microsoft Visio documents improvement minor 7.6.4
#776 Improvements in the preview of emails improvement minor 7.6.4
#777 Custom reports in Excel format wish minor 7.7
#778 Switch to MS SQL Jdbc Drivers task minor 7.7
#779 Retention policies on Folders improvement minor 7.7
#780 File format conversions inside the Workflow Automation new feature minor 7.7
#781 Ext.Properties Fields Autocomplete Suggestions improvement minor 7.7
#782 Make CMIS MAX ITEMS configurable improvement minor 7.7
#783 Deleting an version of a document recorded in history wish minor 7.7
#784 Deleting a version of a document doesn't appear in trash bug minor
#786 Duplicates Report with Filter on Folder improvement minor 7.7
#789 Restrict external auth to memberof group wish minor 7.7.2
#790 Ability to merge PDF documents wish minor
#791 Ability to split PDF documents wish minor
#792 Ability to set Max Versions at document template level wish minor
#793 Option to convert alias to document new feature minor 7.7.2
#794 Deduplicate files new feature minor 7.7.2
#795 Pluggable and configurable Format Convertsion System new feature major 7.7
#796 Integration with the online conversion platform ZamZar new feature minor 7.7
#797 Integration with Doc2Any conversion program new feature minor 7.7
#798 Removed the 'title' metadata of the Documents (use only the 'fileName') deprecation major 7.7
#799 Download the results of a search in just one click new feature minor 7.7
#801 Installation package LogicalDoc sur qnap bug major
#802 Update document preview component improvement minor 7.7.1
#804 Hiding extension in {filename} field wish trivial
#805 Support for Cloud storage on Amazon S3 new feature major 7.7.1
#806 Support for Cloud storage on Microsoft Azure new feature major 7.7.1
#807 Full localization in romanian language improvement minor 7.7.1
#808 urgent loading error Radwa bug blocker
#809 Order folders by position, then by name blucecio improvement minor
#810 Web interface reacting on remote events (Server Push) new feature major 7.7.1
#811 Text area option for Extended Attributes improvement minor 7.7.1
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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