Custom Query (1125 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 1125)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1026 Updated the indexing engine task major 8.5
#1029 LogicalDOC on-premise installation on Windows OS test major 8.5.1
#1030 LogicalDOC Android app issues bug major
#1037 Versioned workflow schemes improvement major 8.5.1
#1043 The Upload function does not work on Android App bug major
#1054 riallocazione workflow improvement major
#1066 Geolocation of requests new feature major 8.6
#1068 Zonal barcode recognition improvement major 8.6
#1074 Upgrade MariaDB in Virtual Appliance task major
#1076 Annotations of varous shapes (square, circle, arrow, line, label) improvement major 8.6.1
#1077 Error in CustomID generation on version promotion CustomID generation, Version promotion bug major 8.6.1
#1083 Login error after the initial change password attempt bug major
#1089 Web forms new feature major 8.7
#1098 Security policies for Workflows improvement major 8.7
#1117 Restrict the visibility of templates to certain users and groups improvement major 8.7.2
#1120 Option to enforce the user's working time new feature major 8.7.2
#1129 Configurable columns set in dashlets of type Document and Document Event improvement major 8.7.3
#1133 Integration with Duo Two Factors Authenticator new feature major 8.7.3
#1136 Distributed storage among the Cluster nodes new feature major 8.7.4
#1145 Time driven automation triggers improvement major 8.8
#1146 Ability to sort scheduled activities by name improvement major 8.8
#1154 Customizable fields validation new feature major 8.8.1
#1157 Customizable fields initialization new feature major 8.8.2
#1162 configurable list of allowed external commands improvement major 8.8.3
#1168 Error 500 on Scheduled Tasks bug major
#1171 Read-only extendend attributes improvement major 8.8.4
#1172 Issue with LDSYNC bug major 8.8.4
#1179 Reference existing docs from index.xml and index.csv of Import Folder to update metadata only improvement major 8.8.4
#1183 send by eMail as Download Ticket does not work bug major 8.8.4
#1188 Saved searches yield different results bug major 8.8.4
#1205 View tickets new feature major 8.8.6
#1209 Security policies on automation routines improvement major 8.8.6
#1213 Read confirmation on documents new feature major 8.8.6
#1215 Digital signature error for signing documents bug major 8.8.6
#1217 Upgrade webservice framework task major 8.9
#1218 Upgrade barcode recognition libraries task major 8.9
#1227 Implemented single sign-on with SAML 2 new feature major 8.9
#1228 CAS deprecated, it will be removed in the next release deprecation major 8.9
#1229 Support to Java11 will be removed in the next release deprecation major 8.9
#1238 Support of Java11 has been removed deprecation major 8.9.1
#1239 Extended Attributes of type Document improvement major 8.9.1
#1248 Trigger custom Automation script on task overdue improvement major 8.9.2
#1249 Constraint the user to input notes/comments when completing a task through specific transitions improvement major 8.9.2
#1251 Multi-section forms improvement major 8.9.2
#1252 Customizable workflow task validation at completion new feature major 8.9.2
#1253 Implementation of the PREVIEW permission new feature major 8.9.2
#1256 Support import emails from Microsoft 365 mail boxes improvement major 8.9.3
#1257 Support sending emails though Microsoft 365 improvement major 8.9.3
#1264 Added support for Java 21 improvement major 9.0
#1266 Integration of ChatGPT new feature major 9.0
#1270 Authentication with API Key new feature major 9.0
#1273 Integration with Google Calendar new feature major 9.0
#1277 Integration with OnlyOffice for document editing new feature major 9.1
#1279 Deprecated credantials authentication in Webservices in favor of the new API Key approrach deprecation major 9.0
#1282 Documents editing through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1
#1283 Format conversions through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1
#1284 PDF forms filling through OnlyOffice new feature major 9.1
#1287 Removed the comparator that uses Workshare (Workshare has been retired from the market) deprecation major 9.1
#1288 Added comparator that uses Litera improvement major 9.1
#1289 History of searches improvement major 9.1
#1290 Additional methods in Audit Werbservice improvement major 9.1
#1295 Dropped support of Java17 deprecation major 9.1.1
#136 Sometimes the upload doesn't work (documents do not appear) car031 bug minor 6.4
#137 Enable the Czech language improvement minor 6.3.2
#140 My downloads area new feature minor
#141 Default template and metadata for each Folder car031 new feature minor 6.4
#143 Remember view in folder pane improvement minor 6.3.3
#144 Bookmarks on Folders car031 improvement minor 6.4
#149 Digital signature must use the file version bug minor 6.3.3
#150 Problem with dragging in IE bug minor
#151 Size of "Move" dialogue box. car031 improvement minor 6.3.3
#152 Metadata not stored if there is a Workflow trigger car031 bug minor 6.3.3
#155 Workflow - Dynamic task assignment based on metadata field new feature minor 6.6.1
#156 Option to copy folders bug minor 6.3.3
#157 Option to copy folders improvement minor 7.1
#158 Drop spot modifications improvement minor 6.3.4
#162 Last Modified Date is misleading bug minor 6.3.4
#164 Ability to download multiple files at once improvement minor 6.3.4
#165 Have tab/page title show folder selected. car031 improvement minor 6.3.4
#168 Tag entry issue car031 bug minor 6.3.4
#169 Permanent Download Link ca031 new feature minor 6.4
#170 Permanent Download Link car031 new feature minor 6.3.4
#171 Abort a running Workflow car031 improvement minor 6.3.4
#172 Exception when importing massive users from Active Directory car031 bug minor 6.3.4
#173 Direct import from LDAP and Active Directory improvement minor 6.4
#174 Unable to search for source type car031 bug minor 6.3.4
#179 Pdf generated correctly but not downloaded bug minor 6.3.5
#180 Move folder name to beginning of tab/window title improvement minor 6.3.5
#188 Black/White lists of IPs car031 new feature minor 6.5
#189 HTML formatting when sending documents in emails improvement minor 6.4
#194 Cannot set some folders in search car031 bug minor 6.4
#195 Configurable default page after login car031 new feature minor 6.4
#197 Search suggestions improvement minor 6.5
#198 File Types in Version Pane improvement minor 6.4.1
#203 View history via webservices improvement minor 6.5
#205 Retrieve version file using webservices improvement minor 6.4.1
#206 Find a folder by path via WebServices improvement minor 6.5
#209 Webservices maximum hits limited to 1000 bug minor 6.5
#210 Print option available even if the user doesn't have download permission blucecio bug minor 6.4.1
#211 Templates for email messages car031 new feature minor 6.5
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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