Custom Query (926 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 926)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#234 Profiled event notification new feature major 6.6 Auditing
#237 Implementation of the CMIS 1.0 AtomPub protocol new feature major 6.5.2 CMIS
#245 Webservices API to interact with the Workflow car031 new feature minor 7.6 Web Services
#255 Customizable User Dashboard new feature major 6.6 User Interface
#270 Print a selection of documents into a single PDF car031 new feature minor 6.6.1 Core
#282 Download tiket in Outlook Addin blucecio74 new feature minor Outlook Addin
#284 Search folders using custom meta-data new feature minor 7.6.1 Search Engine
#287 Calendar System new feature major 6.7 Calendar
#290 Folder alias car031 new feature major 7.5 Core
#298 Google Docs integration and on-line editing new feature major 6.7 Google Drive
#300 External Call car031 new feature minor 6.7 User Interface
#303 Croatian language localization new feature minor 6.7.1 Core
#304 Pause cpu-intensive jobs if the CPU is overloaded new feature major 6.7.1 Core
#307 Ability to delete specific versions new feature minor 6.7.1 Core
#308 Option to inherit security policies from parent when creating a new folder new feature minor 6.7.1 Core
#314 Log Download utility new feature trivial 6.7.2 Core
#315 Anonymous login new feature minor 6.7.2 Core
#318 Restore of deleted folders new feature minor 6.8 Core
#319 Email contacts address book new feature major 6.8 Core
#320 CIFS protocol implementation new feature major 6.8 Core
#330 Bulk Checkin new feature minor 6.8 User Interface
#335 FTP protocol support new feature major 6.8 Core
#344 Web content(HTML) wysiywg editor new feature minor 6.8.1 User Interface
#346 Execute scripts in workflow task object car031 new feature major 7.5.1 Workflow
#352 Anti-virus scanning at time of upload new feature minor 7.1 Core
#367 Ability to send messages to groups of users new feature minor 7.4.2 Core
#376 Show document content differences when comparing versions new feature minor 7.0.1 Core
#401 Implementation of CMIS method getObjectByPath new feature trivial 6.8.2 CMIS
#417 Feature request: the "zip export" event should be recorded new feature minor 6.8.4 Core
#421 Multi Tenant new feature major 7.0 Core
#425 FolderId Barcode Generator new feature trivial 6.8.4 Core
#427 Ability to send documents from different email address new feature minor 7.6.1 Core
#428 Documents gallery new feature minor 7.0 User Interface
#429 Dropbox integration new feature major 7.0 Core
#436 Web service for handling tenants new feature minor 7.0.1 Web Services
#446 Preview and PDF conversion for CAD drawings new feature major 7.1 Core
#449 Webservice method to create links between documents car031 new feature minor 7.1.1 Core
#462 Webservice to interact with scheduled tasks new feature minor 7.1.1 Web Services
#467 CSV import/export utility for Lookuptables on Attribute Templates new feature minor 7.1.2 User Interface
#474 Server-side digital signature compliant with X.509 standard new feature major 7.1.2 Core
#480 Option to ignore case of username on login new feature minor 7.1.2 Core
#487 Impex web service new feature minor 7.1.2 Web Services
#488 Locked documents report new feature minor 7.1.2 Core
#525 Ability to set quota on workspaces car031 new feature major 7.4.3 Core
#527 Content annotations new feature major 7.2 Core
#543 Archiving capabilities new feature major 7.2 Core
#545 Configurable retention policies new feature major 7.2 Core
#555 E-mail notification for backup success/failure new feature minor Generic
#558 ShareFile integration new feature minor 7.3 Core
#570 Stamp new feature major 7.3 Core
#573 Ability to tag folders new feature minor 7.6.1 Core
#578 Form Management new feature major 7.3 Core
#581 Interaction with the workflow from within e-mail new feature minor 7.3 Workflow
#593 Download and execute update from within main application GUI new feature minor 7.4 Core
#594 Complete and Customizable Reporting system car031 new feature major 7.4 Core
#615 Dedicated web interface for Mobile devices new feature major 7.4.1 User Interface
#617 Auto naming on the basis of the document's metadata new feature minor 7.4.2 Core
#618 Auto folding on the basis of the document's metadata new feature major 7.4.2 Core
#630 Workflow undeploy should warn that all active workflows will be deleted. new feature minor 7.4.3 Workflow
#633 Exclude certain file types from upload new feature minor User Interface
#676 REST implementation of web services new feature major 7.5 Web Services
#679 Notify of quota exceeded new feature minor 7.6.2 Core
#684 Notify users of new file(s) at time of upload car031 new feature minor 7.6 User Interface
#687 Reusable custom attribute sets new feature major 7.5 Core
#706 Zoho integration Import/Export/Editing car031 new feature major 7.5.2 Zoho
#707 PDF Signing new feature major 7.7.2 Digital Signature
#720 Fulltext Analyzer filters new feature minor 7.5.3 Core
#721 Configure the default ordered set of columns in the documents grid new feature trivial 7.5.4 User Interface
#722 Option to diable the automatic opening of the Default workspace new feature trivial 7.6 User Interface
#724 Diagnosis task to check the repository consistency new feature minor 7.7 Core
#726 Customizable assignment of storage repository to Worspace new feature major 7.6 Core
#727 Bulgarian localization new feature minor 7.5.4 Core
#729 Greek localization new feature major 7.5.4 Core
#733 Colored markers on Folders new feature minor 7.6 User Interface
#734 Notes on workflow tasks new feature minor 7.6 Workflow
#741 Ability to stamp dynamic barcodes inside the document car031 new feature minor 7.6 Stamp
#745 Protect documents with a password for an additional security level new feature major 7.6.1 Core
#747 Basic WebDAV implementation for clients like Windows new feature minor 7.6.1 WebDAV
#754 Report to list and restore deleted folders new feature minor 7.6.3 User Interface
#755 Integrated editor for plain text files new feature minor 7.6.3 User Interface
#758 Web service to easily manage tags car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#760 Web service to add and retrieve bookmarks to documents and folders car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#761 Web service method to rate a document car031 new feature minor 7.6.3 Web Services
#769 Implementation of a Storer for remote repositories (SMB) new feature minor 7.6.4 Core
#770 Configurable runlevels new feature minor 7.6.4 Core
#772 File format conversions new feature major 7.6.4 Core
#773 Include Notes in Searches new feature minor 7.7 Search Engine
#780 File format conversions inside the Workflow Automation new feature minor 7.7 Workflow
#793 Option to convert alias to document new feature minor 7.7.2 Core
#794 Deduplicate files new feature minor 7.7.2 Core
#795 Pluggable and configurable Format Convertsion System new feature major 7.7 Core
#796 Integration with the online conversion platform ZamZar new feature minor 7.7 Core
#797 Integration with Doc2Any conversion program new feature minor 7.7 Core
#799 Download the results of a search in just one click new feature minor 7.7 User Interface
#805 Support for Cloud storage on Amazon S3 new feature major 7.7.1 Storage
#806 Support for Cloud storage on Microsoft Azure new feature major 7.7.1 Storage
#810 Web interface reacting on remote events (Server Push) new feature major 7.7.1 User Interface
#813 feature request - outlook plugin - renaming attachments. blucecio new feature minor Outlook Addin
#815 Ability to change the interface density new feature minor 7.7.2 User Interface
#816 Configurable skin and CSS customization new feature major 7.7.2 User Interface
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.