Custom Query (1079 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 1079)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#453 Ask for setup password during installation improvement minor 7.1.2
#455 Wrong title for option for renaming of E-mail subject improvement trivial
#457 More file icons improvement trivial 7.1.1
#463 Complete turkish localization improvement minor 7.1.1
#464 New preview tab in the document's detail panel improvement minor 7.1.1
#465 Simpler TagCloud 2D improvement trivial 7.1.1
#466 Show thumbnail in the properties tab improvement minor 7.1.1
#468 Documents grid pagination improvement minor 7.1.2
#470 German translation issue "Pseudonyme abrufen" improvement minor
#479 Add Delete page option to scan applet car031 improvement minor 7.1.2
#486 Calendar Date Format in english US date format improvement minor 7.1.2
#490 Ability to edit calendar events from document's area panel improvement minor 7.1.3
#491 Add calendar actions to document history improvement minor 7.1.3
#493 Export to PDF should register in document history improvement minor 7.1.3
#495 On Double Click Action Within Browser Improvement Request improvement minor
#497 User can empty the trash can improvement trivial 7.1.3
#498 Use MS Office to render the preview of docx, xlsx and pptx files(on Windows) improvement minor 7.1.3
#500 Add documentation regarding bulk update feature improvement minor
#505 'Inherit security' option when copying a folder improvement trivial 7.1.3
#506 'Inherit security' option when applying a folder template improvement minor 7.1.3
#507 Customizable folders ordering improvement minor 7.1.3
#509 Hebrew localization improvement minor 7.1.3
#510 Ability to show/hide the history tab for certain users improvement minor 7.2.1
#514 Admin access to users trash improvement minor
#519 Pagination based on current sorting improvement minor 7.6.1
#526 New tags limited to 20 characters improvement minor
#532 FTP access via LogicalDOC connector ignores user IP filter improvement minor
#533 Encryption of the Import Folders password improvement minor 7.2.1
#535 Display hostname on under System information improvement minor 7.4.1
#544 Option to generate download ticket link improvement minor 7.4.1
#546 Ability to install updates of Addin on top of old version blucecio improvement major
#547 Ability to work on multiple folders improvement minor 7.4.1
#548 Change timestamp to datetime in MySQL improvement trivial 7.2.1
#550 Add tenant information in tags improvement minor 7.2.1
#552 Full support of the application for PostgreSQL improvement minor 7.2.1
#553 Deleted documents report improvement minor 7.2.1
#554 incorporation of multiple notifications in a single email improvement minor 7.2.1
#556 Define length of reset password Dominik Fakner improvement minor
#561 Make exit button more accessible Dominik Fakner improvement minor 7.2.1
#566 Calendar Entry Reoccurrence Limit improvement minor 7.4.1
#568 No history recorded for multiple document download improvement minor 7.3
#576 Template: Cleanup orphaned preset options improvement minor 7.4.1
#580 Scripting capabilities in notification messages improvement minor 7.3
#582 Gallery View Sort Order Change improvement minor 7.4.1
#583 Thumbnail and Gallery preview scaling improvement minor
#584 Thumbnail and Gallery preview scaling improvement minor
#585 Filename element in LogicalDOC Mobile app Blucecio improvement major
#590 Easy the creation of folder improvement minor 7.4
#595 Possibility to append Signature on function send by email improvement minor 7.4.1
#596 Tags only Visible for 'authorized' Users improvement trivial
#598 Make forms externally available improvement minor 7.4.1
#600 Ability to have Template EXT Properties arranged in more than two columns improvement minor 7.4.1
#602 Sharecrawler password displayed in clear text in dms.log improvement minor 7.4
#608 Encryption of the Email Accounts password improvement minor 7.4.1
#611 HTML5 files uploader improvement minor 7.4.1
#613 Finnish localization localization improvement minor 7.4.1
#614 Support for locking in WebDAV protocol improvement major 7.4.1
#619 Full HTML5 preview improvement major 7.4.2
#622 See document name or custom ID in workflow dashboard lists improvement minor
#625 Hiding Extended Properties that aren't used. Properties, Input fields, labels improvement minor 7.5
#638 Ability to schedule execution of custom reports improvement minor 7.6
#660 Document to Trash when deleting via WebDAV improvement minor
#677 SOAP webservices refactoring improvement minor 7.5
#685 Add "send to export archive" option to archived documents car031 improvement minor 7.5
#694 Random Folder Selection - Office Addin Blucecio improvement minor
#698 Option to specify page ranges in the Stamp definition improvement minor 7.5.1
#699 Display a WARNING message when an office file is NOT saved Blucecio improvement minor
#702 Thumbnail and Pdf conversion for the .psd format improvement minor 7.5.2
#703 Thumbnail, Pdf conversion, and indexing support for the .ai format(pdf compatibility option) improvement minor 7.5.2
#704 Added the column groups in Administration->Security car031 improvement minor 7.5.2
#705 Exporting utility in Administration->Security->Users car031 improvement minor 7.5.2
#712 Introduction of print permission improvement minor 7.5.2
#713 Compatibility with Firefox 48 improvement major 7.5.2
#718 Indexing of files .vsd (Visio) and .pub (Publisher) improvement minor 7.5.3
#719 Supported charsets other than UTF-8 when importing zip files improvement minor 7.5.3
#728 Swedish localization improvement minor 7.5.4
#732 Preview navigator(navigate the documents in prevew mode) improvement minor 7.6
#735 Tagging of workflow instances for better identification improvement minor 7.6
#736 Improvements in the visualization and search of workflow histories improvement minor 7.6
#737 Access to the workflow history from inside the workflow automation improvement minor 7.6
#739 Create download tickets with the webservice improvement minor 7.6
#740 Remove workflow attached document improvement minor 7.6.1
#746 Traverse the document links in a tree improvement minor 7.6.1
#748 Administration of the Branding improvement major 7.6.2
#749 Ability for Administrators to unset passwords improvement minor 7.6.2
#750 Checkout/Checkin from Workflow dashboard improvement minor 7.6.3
#752 Display a heart icon to mark bookmarked documents improvement trivial 7.6.3
#753 CSV export workflow hitories improvement trivial 7.6.3
#757 Social like rating mechanism for the documents improvement minor 7.6.3
#759 Web service methods to add or manage the notes on documents car031 improvement minor 7.6.3
#762 Delete a version of a file with SOAP API Blucecio improvement minor 7.6.4
#764 Change the default cursor when viewing documents improvement minor 7.7
#765 Restrict access to Trash area trash Blucecio improvement minor 7.6.4
#767 Libre Office support for PDF conversion and preview improvement minor 7.6.4
#768 Extensible storer framework improvement major 7.6.4
#774 Ability to preview Microsoft Visio documents improvement minor 7.6.4
#775 Add versioning feature to the Mobile Web-interface mobile car031 improvement major 7.6.4
#776 Improvements in the preview of emails improvement minor 7.6.4
#779 Retention policies on Folders improvement minor 7.7
#781 Ext.Properties Fields Autocomplete Suggestions improvement minor 7.7
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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