{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1104 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1001 - 1100 of 1104)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

8.8.4 (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#1184 Deletion of Alias deletes original document too Android App closed fixed 8.8.3 bug minor Blucecio Mar 23, 2023
#1185 Multiple Emails on Pressing Approve Button Many Times User Interface closed fixed 8.8.3 bug minor Blucecio Mar 22, 2023
#1183 send by eMail as Download Ticket does not work User Interface closed fixed 8.8.3 bug major Blucecio Mar 2, 2023
#1182 Configurable cookies SameSite Security closed fixed 8.8.3 improvement minor admin Feb 28, 2023
#1180 calculate total number of entries and total size of a folder's tree User Interface closed fixed 8.8.3 new feature minor admin Feb 21, 2023
#1179 Reference existing docs from index.xml and index.csv of Import Folder to update metadata only Import / Export closed fixed 8.8.3 improvement major admin Feb 15, 2023
#1178 Configurable default groups to assign to new users from LDAP/AD LDAP / Active Directory closed fixed 8.8.3 improvement minor admin Feb 13, 2023
#1175 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47416 Security closed fixed 8.8.3 bug minor admin Feb 13, 2023
#1174 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47415 Security closed fixed 8.8.3 bug minor admin Feb 13, 2023
#1173 Tile image for the folders User Interface closed fixed 8.8.3 new feature minor admin Feb 13, 2023
#1177 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47418 Security closed fixed 8.8.3 bug minor admin Feb 10, 2023
#1176 Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-47417 Security closed fixed 8.8.3 bug minor admin Feb 10, 2023
#1172 Issue with LDSYNC Sync closed fixed 8.8.3 bug major Blucecio Jan 26, 2023
#1171 Read-only extendend attributes Core closed fixed 8.8.2 improvement major admin Jan 16, 2023
#1170 System-wide dictionary for Automation(variable $systemDictionary) Automation closed fixed 8.8.2 improvement minor admin Jan 13, 2023
#1169 Display a counter of imported emails Import / Export closed fixed 8.8.3 improvement minor admin Jan 12, 2023

8.8.5 (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#1123 exceed the dimensional limits of REST documentMetadata-setAttributeOptions Web Services closed fixed 8.7.1 improvement minor Blucecio Nov 6, 2023
#1203 Miscellaneous improvements in the Last Changes report User Interface closed fixed 8.8.4 improvement minor Blucecio Aug 11, 2023
#1204 Removed already deprecated Advanced OCR engine OCR closed fixed 8.8.4 deprecation trivial admin Jul 31, 2023
#1202 Chunked upload in CMIS CMIS closed fixed 8.8.4 improvement minor Blucecio Jul 24, 2023
#1201 PST files preview and indexing Format Conversion closed fixed 8.8.4 new feature minor admin Jul 13, 2023
#1191 Enable edit with Office in context menu on tab Append Documents in workflow Workflow closed fixed 8.8.3 improvement minor Blucecio Jul 12, 2023
#1200 History tab in the Indexing panel Search Engine closed fixed 8.8.4 improvement minor admin Jul 12, 2023
#1199 Added $page variable in the stamp dictionary Stamp closed fixed 8.8.4 improvement minor admin Jul 10, 2023
#1198 Removed the implementation of the old Advanced OCR OCR closed fixed 8.8.4 deprecation minor admin Jul 6, 2023
#1197 Pre-filled link for Web Forms Forms closed fixed 8.8.4 improvement minor admin Jun 16, 2023
#1196 Record OCR events OCR closed fixed 8.8.4 new feature minor admin Jun 9, 2023
#1195 new document history to tack indexation errors Core closed fixed 8.8.4 improvement minor admin Jun 8, 2023
#1194 Trigger the antivirus when updating metadata Security closed fixed 8.8.4 improvement minor admin Jun 8, 2023
#1193 Environment panel inside the administration User Interface closed fixed 8.8.4 new feature minor admin Jun 7, 2023
#1192 password fields with show password button User Interface closed fixed 8.8.4 improvement minor admin Jun 6, 2023

8.8.6 (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#1214 REST Document Move duplicate document instead Web Services closed fixed 8.8.4 bug minor Blucecio Oct 19, 2023
#1210 Color attribute on workflow Workflow closed fixed 8.8.5 improvement minor admin Oct 17, 2023
#1220 Send an alert when a possible brute force attack has been detected Security closed fixed 8.8.5 improvement minor admin Sep 29, 2023
#1219 Support for Java17 Core closed fixed 8.8.5 improvement minor admin Sep 28, 2023
#1213 Read confirmation on documents Core closed fixed 8.8.5 new feature major admin Sep 28, 2023
#1216 Refreshing the barcode queue doesn't work Barcode closed fixed 8.8.5 bug minor Blucecio Sep 25, 2023
#1215 Digital signature error for signing documents User Interface closed fixed 8.8.5 bug major Blucecio Sep 21, 2023
#1211 Graphical representation of the system usage User Interface closed fixed 8.8.5 new feature minor admin Sep 11, 2023
#1212 Display current system usage statistics and historical usage User Interface closed fixed 8.8.5 new feature minor admin Sep 5, 2023
#1209 Security policies on automation routines Automation closed fixed 8.8.5 improvement major admin Aug 30, 2023
#1208 Append documents to the Workdlow without passing through Clipboard Workflow closed fixed 8.8.5 improvement minor admin Aug 28, 2023
#1207 Option to permanently disable a user when brute force attack has been detected Security closed fixed 8.8.5 improvement minor admin Aug 24, 2023
#1205 View tickets User Interface closed fixed 8.8.5 new feature major admin Aug 22, 2023
#1206 Display trash size in the stats panel User Interface closed fixed 8.8.5 improvement minor admin Aug 18, 2023

8.9 (18 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#1225 Introduced inclusion / exclusion filters to index email attachments also Core closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor admin Jan 3, 2024
#1236 Configurable Cache-Control header User Interface closed fixed 8.8.6 new feature minor admin Dec 27, 2023
#1235 Upgraded MariaDB in the LD distro Installer closed fixed 8.8.6 task minor Blucecio Dec 21, 2023
#1234 Dashlet for bookmarks User Interface closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor admin Dec 19, 2023
#1233 Specific log and event to record tesource deletions from the storage Core closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor admin Dec 15, 2023
#1232 Aspect to enable write checks Core closed fixed 8.8.6 new feature minor admin Dec 13, 2023
#1231 Removed the support to SMB v1 protocol Import / Export closed fixed 8.8.6 deprecation minor admin Dec 11, 2023
#1230 Display last login date and creation date in users list User Interface closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor admin Dec 8, 2023
#1227 Implemented single sign-on with SAML 2 Security closed fixed 8.8.6 new feature major admin Dec 4, 2023
#1228 CAS deprecated, it will be removed in the next release Security closed fixed 8.8.6 deprecation major admin Dec 4, 2023
#1229 Support to Java11 will be removed in the next release Core closed fixed 8.8.6 deprecation major admin Dec 4, 2023
#1226 Template management ability to clone a template User Interface closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor Blucecio Nov 18, 2023
#1218 Upgrade barcode recognition libraries Barcode closed fixed 8.8.5 task major Blucecio Nov 13, 2023
#1224 Option to copy links and notes when a document is copied into another folder User Interface closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor admin Nov 10, 2023
#1217 Upgrade webservice framework Web Services closed fixed task major Blucecio Nov 9, 2023
#1223 Label attribute for templates and attribute sets Core closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor admin Nov 9, 2023
#1221 Support heic image format User Interface closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor Blucecio Nov 7, 2023
#1222 Allow users to upload their own digital signature certificate Digital Signature closed fixed 8.8.6 improvement minor admin Nov 1, 2023

8.9.1 (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#1245 Ability to sort documents in the grid by Template User Interface closed fixed 8.9 improvement minor Blucecio Mar 6, 2024
#1243 Upgraded MS SQL driver to 12.6.0.jre11 Core closed fixed 8.9 task minor Blucecio Feb 20, 2024
#1242 Security policies to both users and groups on Stamps Stamp closed fixed 8.9 improvement minor admin Feb 13, 2024
#1241 Security policies at document level Security closed fixed 8.9 new feature critical admin Feb 9, 2024
#1240 Support file uploads in web forms Forms closed fixed 8.9 new feature minor admin Jan 29, 2024
#1239 Extended Attributes of type Document Core closed fixed 8.9 improvement major admin Jan 29, 2024
#1238 Support of Java11 has been removed Core closed fixed 8.9 deprecation major admin Jan 19, 2024
#1237 Support of CAS single-sign-on has been removed Single sign-on closed fixed 8.9 deprecation minor admin Jan 19, 2024

8.9.2 (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#1255 Apply different digital signatures in the same signing session Digital Signature closed fixed 8.9.1 improvement minor admin Apr 25, 2024
#1254 Apply different stamps in the same stamping session Stamp closed fixed 8.9.1 improvement minor admin Apr 5, 2024
#1253 Implementation of the PREVIEW permission Core closed fixed 8.9.1 new feature major admin Apr 2, 2024
#1252 Customizable workflow task validation at completion Workflow closed fixed 8.9.1 new feature major admin Mar 29, 2024
#1251 Multi-section forms Core closed fixed 8.9.1 improvement major admin Mar 26, 2024
#1250 Customizable log levels Core closed fixed 8.9.1 new feature minor admin Mar 21, 2024
#1247 Record the workflow overdue event Workflow closed fixed 8.9.1 improvement minor admin Mar 21, 2024
#1249 Constraint the user to input notes/comments when completing a task through specific transitions Workflow closed fixed 8.9.1 improvement major admin Mar 19, 2024
#1248 Trigger custom Automation script on task overdue Workflow closed fixed 8.9.1 improvement major admin Mar 19, 2024
#1246 Implementation of SAML SLO (Single Log Out) Single sign-on closed fixed 8.9.1 improvement minor admin Mar 18, 2024

8.9.3 (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#1262 Add notes on past versions of a document Annotations closed fixed 8.9.2 improvement minor admin Jun 21, 2024
#1261 Permission to enable the editing of the Custom ID Core closed fixed 8.9.2 improvement minor admin Jun 11, 2024
#1260 Option to permanently delete a selection of documents Core closed fixed 8.9.2 improvement minor admin May 31, 2024
#1259 Paginated listing of documents and folders Web Services closed fixed 8.9.2 improvement minor admin May 24, 2024
#1258 Implemented merge method in the EnterpriseDocument webservice Web Services closed fixed 8.9.2 improvement minor admin May 23, 2024
#1257 Support sending emails though Microsoft 365 Core closed fixed 8.9.2 improvement major admin May 22, 2024
#1256 Support import emails from Microsoft 365 mail boxes Import / Export closed fixed 8.9.2 improvement major admin May 21, 2024

9.0 (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Reporter Modified
#1263 Improved statistics in the System webservice Web Services closed fixed 8.9.3 improvement minor admin Aug 26, 2024
#1264 Added support for Java 21 Core closed fixed 8.9.3 improvement major admin Aug 26, 2024
#1266 Integration of ChatGPT Artificial Itelligence closed fixed 8.9.3 new feature major admin Aug 26, 2024
#1267 Use vectorial images for file icons User Interface closed fixed 8.9.3 improvement minor admin Aug 26, 2024
#1268 Support for Markdown file format Format Conversion closed fixed 8.9.3 new feature minor admin Aug 26, 2024
#1269 Support for Java 17 will be dropped in a future release Android App closed fixed 8.9.3 deprecation minor admin Aug 26, 2024
#1270 Authentication with API Key Web Services closed fixed 8.9.3 new feature major admin Aug 26, 2024
#1271 Sequence tokens for extended atributes values Custom ID and Naming closed fixed 8.9.3 improvement minor admin Aug 26, 2024
#1272 Sequence tokens for custom sequences Custom ID and Naming closed fixed 8.9.3 improvement minor admin Aug 26, 2024
#1273 Integration with Google Calendar Calendar closed fixed 8.9.3 new feature major admin Aug 26, 2024
#1274 removed completion date from calandar events (just start and end date to define the duration of an event) Calendar closed fixed 8.9.3 deprecation trivial admin Aug 26, 2024
#1275 Calendar events without attached documents Calendar closed fixed 8.9.3 improvement minor admin Aug 26, 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.