Custom Query (40 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#689 Error al dar permisos Bug major Android App
#201 Unable to add comment when changing metadata bug trivial Web Services
#213 Facing problems on online demo bug trivial Core
#225 Statistics not calculated on SQL Server Blucecio bug minor Core
#238 problem about check in file bug minor Import / Export
#241 View doesn't refresh after delete bug major User Interface
#299 lalalatest aa bug trivial Core
#317 Folder Template creation doesn´t works bug major Core
#350 Cannot purchase iPad/iPhone App bug major 6.8.1 iPad and iPhone App
#419 User rights bug trivial Core
#458 DropSpot must not allow dragging of folders when the user has not the Add folder permission bug trivial 7.1.1 Core
#483 Toolbar search text does not return results for text in a template... bug minor Search Engine
#484 Search Expression can be perform case insensitive... bug minor Search Engine
#485 Folders remain in Trash bug minor Core
#504 Admin doesn't always get informed about new users etc. via e-mail bug minor Core
#523 New tags limited to 20 characters bug major Core
#730 Suggestion bug major Android App
#785 Add storage button is missing bug minor User Interface
#801 Installation package LogicalDoc sur qnap bug major Android App
#803 Move document causes error if DELETE permission is not given bug minor User Interface
#824 Notify Users on new document upload bug minor Core
#934 Lost User Data Allocation to User groups bug blocker User Interface
#663 Test Pippo defect trivial Android App
#632 Make Much more Income Through Your Marketing With Video friends en streaming Blucecio deprecation trivial iPad and iPhone App
#675 Bookmarks display pane does not save changes enhancement trivial User Interface
#199 Record send by email event improvement trivial Auditing
#265 Ability to move up one level in the folder navigation improvement minor Android App
#819 Branding documentation not updated improvement minor Documentation
#887 Reintroduction of <title> token for Custom ID, Auto naming and Auto folding improvement minor Core
#1135 Sorting of folders in descending order improvement minor User Interface
#140 My downloads area new feature minor Import / Export
#374 Add metadata based routing to workflows new feature minor Workflow
#469 Check out / in of documents via Office Addin new feature minor Office Addin
#662 test new feature trivial Auditing
#175 Upgrade from 6.2.4 to 6.3.4 on different server task critical Core
#339 LDAP or LDAPS Capability Chris task critical LDAP / Active Directory
#406 Installation support request Nik Tekwani task major Installer
#191 Edit LoginPanel test trivial Core
#451 How list all the Files in a Directory - From WebServices test trivial Web Services
#790 Ability to merge PDF documents wish minor Core
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.