Custom Query (905 matches)
Results (901 - 905 of 905)
Ticket | Summary | Owner | Type | Priority | Milestone | Component |
#141 | Default template and metadata for each Folder | car031 | new feature | minor | 6.4 | Core |
#139 | Workflow transition effects | effects | improvement | major | 6.4 | Workflow |
#138 | Tags are taken over too soon during type in | Blucecio | bug | major | 6.3.3 | User Interface |
#137 | Enable the Czech language | improvement | minor | 6.3.2 | User Interface | |
#136 | Sometimes the upload doesn't work (documents do not appear) | car031 | bug | minor | 6.4 | User Interface |
Note: See TracQuery
for help on using queries.