Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#527 Content annotations new feature major Core 7.1.3
#543 Archiving capabilities new feature major Core 7.1.3
#545 Configurable retention policies new feature major Core 7.1.3
#499 Renaming Tags does not work bug minor Core 7.1.2
#517 Count column reports zero for tags on search tab bug minor Core 7.1.3
#518 Searching tags by clicking on the alphabetical characters is incorrect bug minor Core 7.1.3
#522 Bulk update can modify locked documents metadata bug minor Core 7.1.3
#537 Compare metadata does not display changes to tags bug minor Core 7.1.3
#539 Preview of older document versions displays latest version only bug minor Core 7.1.3
#541 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor User Interface 7.1.3
#542 Default max hits always 40 in tags search bug minor User Interface 7.1.3
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.