Custom Query (13 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1277 Integration with OnlyOffice for document editing new feature major Google Drive 8.9.3
#1282 Documents editing through OnlyOffice new feature major Core 9.0
#1283 Format conversions through OnlyOffice new feature major Format Conversion 9.0
#1284 PDF forms filling through OnlyOffice new feature major Core 9.0
#1287 Removed the comparator that uses Workshare (Workshare has been retired from the market) deprecation major Comparison 9.0
#1288 Added comparator that uses Litera improvement major Comparison 9.0
#1289 History of searches improvement major Reports 9.0
#1290 Additional methods in Audit Werbservice improvement major Web Services 9.0
#1280 Configurable max number of versions to display improvement minor User Interface 9.0
#1281 Move menu on Folder cannot be selected bug minor User Interface 9.0
#1286 Notify attendees about events cancelation improvement minor Calendar 9.0
#1292 Edit with Office enabled even if the document is already checked out by another user bug minor User Interface 9.0
#1285 Persistent configuration of content security policies header improvement trivial Core 9.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.