

Jul 26, 2023:

3:59 PM Ticket #1203 (Miscellaneous improvements in the Last Changes report) created by Blucecio
1) Show real count of documents found (now only display the value of …

Jul 24, 2023:

7:29 AM Ticket #1202 (Chunked upload in CMIS) closed by admin

Jul 21, 2023:

4:46 PM Ticket #1202 (Chunked upload in CMIS) created by Blucecio
LDSync uses the CMIS protocol to communicate with LogicalDOC and …

Jul 13, 2023:

3:33 PM Ticket #1201 (PST files preview and indexing) closed by admin
3:33 PM Ticket #1201 (PST files preview and indexing) created by admin

Jul 12, 2023:

11:10 AM Ticket #1191 (Enable edit with Office in context menu on tab Append Documents in workflow) closed by admin
10:40 AM Ticket #1200 (History tab in the Indexing panel) closed by admin

Jul 11, 2023:

5:03 PM Ticket #1200 (History tab in the Indexing panel) created by admin

Jul 10, 2023:

5:21 PM Ticket #1199 (Added $page variable in the stamp dictionary) closed by admin
5:21 PM Ticket #1199 (Added $page variable in the stamp dictionary) created by admin

Jul 6, 2023:

5:30 PM Ticket #1198 (Removed the implementation of the old Advanced OCR) closed by admin
5:30 PM Ticket #1198 (Removed the implementation of the old Advanced OCR) created by admin
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.