Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#246 closed bug (worksforme)

No indexed documents after 6.5 update

Reported by: saccoke Owned by: car031
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Core Version: 6.5
Keywords: Cc:


After installing update 22 (6.5) all documents are not indexed and therefore not accessible by users. Have attempted to run index job, but documents are not indexing. This is critical.

Can you logi

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by car031

  • Milestone 6.5.1 deleted
  • Owner set to car031
  • Status changed from new to assigned

After the upgrade to 6.5 it is normal and declared that the documents needs to be reindexed.
This is our suggestion:

  • Stop the index omptimiation task
  • Disable the OCR engine (Administration->Settings->OCR)
  • Restart LogicalDOC
  • Force the execution of the Indexing task

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by saccoke

Finished rebuilding indexes and now we are getting multiple (incorrect) search results on individual search with specific document value. Installed 6.5.1 in hope that this would resolve the problem, but we are receiving multiple false hits on a search.

Please advise, this is causing problems for users.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by car031

Please specify in more detail what is multiple(incorrect) search results.
If you search for word 'paper' you don't get results containing the word 'paper'?

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by saccoke

We search for invoice number, specifically 01D02058513. We get 40-50 hits when there should be 1-2. Most of the hits do not contain the search value.

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by car031

  • Resolution set to worksforme
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

If you want an exact match you just have to search for "01D02058513". If you search for 01D02058513, LogicalDOC will search also for parts of the 'word', so this is not a real bug.
You note this behaviour because of the new tecnology used in the 6.5 is more powerful. In any case all the search possibilities are explkained in the user's guide.

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