Custom Query (15 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1123 exceed the dimensional limits of REST documentMetadata-setAttributeOptions improvement minor Web Services 8.7.1
#1191 Enable edit with Office in context menu on tab Append Documents in workflow improvement minor Workflow 8.8.3
#1192 password fields with show password button improvement minor User Interface 8.8.4
#1193 Environment panel inside the administration new feature minor User Interface 8.8.4
#1194 Trigger the antivirus when updating metadata improvement minor Security 8.8.4
#1195 new document history to tack indexation errors improvement minor Core 8.8.4
#1196 Record OCR events new feature minor OCR 8.8.4
#1197 Pre-filled link for Web Forms improvement minor Forms 8.8.4
#1198 Removed the implementation of the old Advanced OCR deprecation minor OCR 8.8.4
#1199 Added $page variable in the stamp dictionary improvement minor Stamp 8.8.4
#1200 History tab in the Indexing panel improvement minor Search Engine 8.8.4
#1201 PST files preview and indexing new feature minor Format Conversion 8.8.4
#1202 Chunked upload in CMIS improvement minor CMIS 8.8.4
#1203 Miscellaneous improvements in the Last Changes report improvement minor User Interface 8.8.4
#1204 Removed already deprecated Advanced OCR engine deprecation trivial OCR 8.8.4
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.