Custom Query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#825 document.published is always =1 when using the SOAP API. LogicalDoc version v7.7 bug trivial Web Services 7.7
#789 Restrict external auth to memberof group wish minor LDAP / Active Directory 7.6.4
#793 Option to convert alias to document new feature minor Core
#794 Deduplicate files new feature minor Core
#814 Support for runviaservice option of DocToAnyConverter improvement minor Format Conversion 7.7.1
#815 Ability to change the interface density new feature minor User Interface 7.7.1
#707 PDF Signing new feature major Digital Signature
#816 Configurable skin and CSS customization new feature major User Interface 7.7.1
#817 Unable to assign users to new stamps bug major Stamp 7.7.1
#818 Search on External Properties is not working Blucecio bug major User Interface 7.7.1
#820 LD 7.7.1 - Login Permalink: User with Umlaut as pwd not works bug major Core 7.7.1
#821 Preview problems with 7.1.1 PDF.js (CentOS Server, Windows Clients) bug major Format Conversion 7.7.1
#822 Add new flag to SMTP settings improvement major User Interface 7.7.1
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.