Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#795 Pluggable and configurable Format Convertsion System new feature major 7.6.4 fixed
#798 Removed the 'title' metadata of the Documents (use only the 'fileName') deprecation major 7.6.4 fixed
#724 Diagnosis task to check the repository consistency new feature minor 7.5.3 fixed
#778 Switch to MS SQL Jdbc Drivers task minor 7.6.4 fixed
#779 Retention policies on Folders improvement minor 7.6.4 fixed
#783 Deleting an version of a document recorded in history wish minor 7.6.3 fixed
#787 Ability to send images from inside an Automation Script improvement minor 7.6.4 fixed
#796 Integration with the online conversion platform ZamZar new feature minor 7.6.4 fixed
#797 Integration with Doc2Any conversion program new feature minor 7.6.4 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.