

Aug 26, 2024:

9:08 AM Ticket #1279 (Deprecated credantials authentication in Webservices in favor of the ...) closed by admin
9:08 AM Ticket #1279 (Deprecated credantials authentication in Webservices in favor of the ...) created by admin

Aug 12, 2024:

1:44 PM Ticket #1278 (Fixed Dropbox sercurity issues) closed by admin
1:44 PM Ticket #1278 (Fixed Dropbox sercurity issues) created by admin
10:30 AM Ticket #1277 (Integration with OnlyOffice for document editing) created by Blucecio
OnlyOffice? provides an SDK for integrating office document editing …
9:57 AM Ticket #1276 (Ability to use a third-party barcode reading engine) created by Blucecio
It would be useful to create an extension point that allows, as for …

Aug 7, 2024:

2:13 PM Ticket #1275 (Calendar events without attached documents) closed by admin
2:10 PM Ticket #1275 (Calendar events without attached documents) created by admin

Aug 6, 2024:

9:05 AM Ticket #1274 (removed completion date from calandar events (just start and end date ...) closed by admin
9:05 AM Ticket #1274 (removed completion date from calandar events (just start and end date ...) created by admin
8:12 AM Ticket #1273 (Integration with Google Calendar) closed by admin
8:12 AM Ticket #1273 (Integration with Google Calendar) created by admin
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.