

Aug 23, 2023:

9:46 AM Ticket #1207 (Option to permanently disable a user when brute force attack has been ...) created by admin

Aug 22, 2023:

4:48 PM Ticket #1205 (View tickets) closed by admin

Aug 18, 2023:

1:57 PM Ticket #1206 (Display trash size in the stats panel) closed by admin
1:57 PM Ticket #1206 (Display trash size in the stats panel) created by admin
11:00 AM Ticket #1205 (View tickets) created by admin
A specific type of ticket that allows the visualization of the details …

Aug 11, 2023:

7:18 AM Milestone 8.8.5 completed
7:17 AM Ticket #1203 (Miscellaneous improvements in the Last Changes report) closed by admin

Jul 31, 2023:

9:47 AM Ticket #1204 (Removed already deprecated Advanced OCR engine) closed by admin
9:47 AM Ticket #1204 (Removed already deprecated Advanced OCR engine) created by admin

Jul 26, 2023:

3:59 PM Ticket #1203 (Miscellaneous improvements in the Last Changes report) created by Blucecio
1) Show real count of documents found (now only display the value of …

Jul 24, 2023:

7:29 AM Ticket #1202 (Chunked upload in CMIS) closed by admin
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.