Custom Query (1070 matches)


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Results (22 - 24 of 1070)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#167 worksforme Permissions/Right Issues mscalia

Currently there is no way to give a user right to only one subfolder. The "Apply Rights" button applies the rights to all sub-folders automatically. For instance, if I want to give a user access to the "Mike" folder under Culver>People>Mike I have to give them "read" rights on the Culver folder as well as the People folder so that they can see Mike. This makes sense. The problem is that as soon as I give them rights, for example, on the "People" folder, they are now given view rights on EVERY folder under People as well. This makes it almost impossible to give granular permissions to people.

#173 fixed Direct import from LDAP and Active Directory car031

In the LDAP administration it should be nice to have a search tool that will allow to list a set of LDAP users allowing the import of single elements in LogicalDOC.

#175 invalid Upgrade from 6.2.4 to 6.3.4 on different server saccoke

SacCoke? is moving Logicaldoc to a new server and would like to upgrade to the current version. Please advise best practice. Also, can you provide SacCoke? login credentials to the update site?

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