Custom Query (1070 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 1070)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#590 fixed Easy the creation of folder Blucecio

Confirm the creation of a folder by simply pressing the Enter key

#591 wontfix Selection of folder in the tree is problematic blucecio Blucecio

The selection of a folder in the tree is problematic. If you click on a folder (with the mouse) on a complex tree, it seems that the system receives more than one click and often it opens a subfolder of the selected folder. This is particularly true on fast systems where the problem is very annoying

#605 fixed Update GWT and SmartGWT Blucecio

Update SmartGWT to version 5.0 (currently LD 7.4 uses v4.1p) Update GWT to version 2.6.1 or 2.7 (currently LD uses 2.6.0) Note: SmartGWT 5.0 was issued before the release of GWT 2.7.0 so probably its best compatibility is with GWT 2.6.1

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