Custom Query (1070 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 1070)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#809 fixed Order folders by position, then by name blucecio car031

In both Outlook and Office Addins, the folder ordering must be done by Position first then by Name

#813 fixed feature request - outlook plugin - renaming attachments. blucecio helpdesk

a lot of our staff scan in documents which arrive in their inbox with generic names. it would be really handy to be able to rename them in the attachment selector screen after selecting which folder they will be uploaded to.

this feature would save the users from having to go into the web interface, track down the file and rename it manually.

#282 fixed Download tiket in Outlook Addin blucecio74 car031

When preparin an outgoing email, it would be requested to select one or more documents from LogicalDOC and put them as download tikets into the mail's body.

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