Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#605 Update GWT and SmartGWT task major 7.4 9 years
#615 Dedicated web interface for Mobile devices new feature major 7.4 9 years
#535 Display hostname on under System information improvement minor 7.1.3 10 years
#547 Ability to work on multiple folders improvement minor 7.1.3 10 years
#587 Display glitch while scrolling parametric search results seoul04 bug minor 7.2.1 10 years
#595 Possibility to append Signature on function send by email improvement minor 7.3 9 years
#600 Ability to have Template EXT Properties arranged in more than two columns improvement minor 7.3 9 years
#611 HTML5 files uploader improvement minor 7.4 9 years
#613 Finnish localization improvement minor 7.4 9 years
#612 Removed the embedded option for DropSpot deprecation trivial 7.4 9 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.