Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#446 Preview and PDF conversion for CAD drawings new feature major 7.0 11 years
#222 Lookup table for extended attribute options improvement minor 6.4.2 13 years
#286 Notify users on adding note improvement minor 12 years
#352 Anti-virus scanning at time of upload new feature minor 6.8 11 years
#386 CIDR notation for Black/White lists of IPs improvement minor 6.8 11 years
#438 TagCloud computation bug minor 7.0.1 11 years
#442 Upgrade text extractor for MS Office docs task minor 7.0 11 years
#443 Upgrade Solr to version 4.9 task minor 7.0.1 11 years
#447 Users can rename workspaces but Admin cannot bug minor 6.8.4 11 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.