Custom Query (16 matches)


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Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#446 Preview and PDF conversion for CAD drawings new feature major Core 7.0
#157 Option to copy folders improvement minor User Interface 6.3.2
#222 Lookup table for extended attribute options improvement minor Core 6.4.2
#286 Notify users on adding note improvement minor Core
#340 Display the folder from which security policies are inherited improvement minor User Interface 6.7.3
#352 Anti-virus scanning at time of upload new feature minor Core 6.8
#364 Adding more tags at once improvement minor User Interface 6.8
#386 CIDR notation for Black/White lists of IPs improvement minor Core 6.8
#414 Inherit Rights button to inherit rights from another folder improvement minor User Interface 6.8.2
#438 TagCloud computation bug minor Core 7.0.1
#440 parametric search (save/load) bug minor Search Engine 7.0.1
#441 More details in the Notes dashlet improvement minor User Interface 7.0.1
#442 Upgrade text extractor for MS Office docs task minor Core 7.0
#443 Upgrade Solr to version 4.9 task minor Core 7.0.1
#447 Users can rename workspaces but Admin cannot bug minor Core 6.8.4
#450 LibreOffice CMIS compliance improvement trivial CMIS 7.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.