

May 12, 2022:

1:56 PM Ticket #1148 (Visual composer of cron expressions) created by admin
10:13 AM Ticket #1147 (Searching in the iOS app returns few results) created by Blucecio
It appears that the search in the iOS app returns fewer results than …

May 5, 2022:

12:00 AM Milestone 8.8 completed

May 2, 2022:

8:38 AM Ticket #1146 (Ability to sort scheduled activities by name) closed by admin

Apr 29, 2022:

10:39 AM Ticket #1146 (Ability to sort scheduled activities by name) created by Blucecio
Since there are now so many scheduled activities in the system it …

Apr 15, 2022:

4:23 PM Ticket #1145 (Time driven automation triggers) closed by admin
4:23 PM Ticket #1145 (Time driven automation triggers) created by admin
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.