

Sep 5, 2016:

5:53 PM Ticket #719 (Supported charsets other than UTF-8 when importing zip files) closed by admin
5:53 PM Ticket #719 (Supported charsets other than UTF-8 when importing zip files) created by admin

Sep 1, 2016:

6:12 PM Ticket #718 (Indexing of files .vsd (Visio) and .pub (Publisher)) closed by car031
6:12 PM Ticket #718 (Indexing of files .vsd (Visio) and .pub (Publisher)) created by car031

Aug 30, 2016:

9:36 AM Ticket #717 (Move/Copy alias must not alter the original document) closed by car031
9:36 AM Ticket #717 (Move/Copy alias must not alter the original document) created by car031
8:48 AM Milestone 7.5.2 completed

Aug 25, 2016:

3:33 PM Ticket #716 (Ability to change default sort order of folders) created by helpdesk
We create thousands of folders in workspaces and would like the …

Aug 23, 2016:

3:57 PM Ticket #715 (Confusing Interface on Plugin, Need the ability to change the title on ...) created by helpdesk
For the Outlook attachment plugin, the Select button is confusing to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.