Custom Query (1070 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1070)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#152 fixed Metadata not stored if there is a Workflow trigger car031 car031

If a folder contains a workflow trigger and you add a document for the specified template, the workflow starts but the custom attributes are not stored

#153 fixed Exception when downloading an alias car031 car031

If you copy&paste as alias you will get an exception that prevents the download.

#165 fixed Have tab/page title show folder selected. car031 mscalia

Is it possible to have the window/tab name reflect the folder the user is in? Specifically, we would like this to happen when using a direct link to a folder via the folder id. This way if a user has several tabs/windows open, each from a direct link to different folder, they can tell which tab is which by looking at the title rather than them all saying "LogicalDOC Business..."

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.