Custom Query (1070 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 1070)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#525 fixed Ability to set quota on workspaces car031 jkenyon

It would be good if administrators could set storage quotas for workspaces.

#510 fixed Ability to show/hide the history tab for certain users Mario.Molih

The history of a folder displays actions on its files/subfolders. This could be a security issue. For example: Different users are only allowed to see/access certain subfolders. Via the history of the parent folder they are now able to see existing files/subfolders they shouldn't see.

Is it possible to configure the history in a way, so that users are only able to see actions on files/subfolders in the history which they are allowed to see?

#1245 fixed Ability to sort documents in the grid by Template Blucecio

It would be useful to sort the documents in the grid (when you browse the content of a folder) by Template. Currently you can sort on a number of columns but not on the column Template

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.