Custom Query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#972 Automation editor with code completion and graphical highlights improvement major Automation 8.3.2
#967 Language metadata shown in documents grids improvement minor User Interface 8.3.2
#968 Status icon to mark documents with links improvement minor User Interface 8.3.2
#969 Ability to download all linked files in a single .zip archive improvement minor Import / Export 8.3.2
#970 Added method DocTool.getHistories(long docId, String event) improvement minor Automation 8.3.2
#971 Customizable notification message per task improvement minor Workflow 8.3.2
#973 Added methods $DocTool.lock() and $DocTool.unlock() improvement minor Automation 8.3.2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.