Custom Query (1070 matches)


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Results (7 - 9 of 1070)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#861 fixed Ability to add a group to calendar notifications Blucecio

A forum user suggested adding a group to calendar notifications.

Could we have an "add group" too, besides "add user" ? Some events hould refer to groups of users and int's much easier to select them at once, not one by one (with the risk to forget some of them). Thank you !!!

#202 fixed Ability to add comment to document version via webservices ShaneH

In order to make the webservices consistent with the user interface, the ability to add a comment when altering a document (eg using the update command) is required. So if, for example a user updates some field information or tags they can add a comment to the new document version.

In the standard web interface, the "Version Comment" field appears automatically when ever an update is made. Webservices users do not have ANY ability to add the same.

#670 wontfix Ability to add data to forms that is not metadata jkenyon

The ability to add forms in LogicalDOC is great.

However, data input for forms is currently limited to metadata fields only. It would be very powerful if users could add additional input to forms which is not specifically metadata.

Is this something that is possible?

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